Ilos (i-los)

God of Academics & Innovation

Ilos is one of the 8 major gods of Centaria and is currently the most popular diety, with the most amount of followers and 3 countries pledged to him. While he has always been a more popular diety, his recent spike can be attributed to the current peacetimes and near-global focus on technological advancement. He has also held the record for the highest generational retention rate for several centuries, though some say this is due to the more religiously-ambivalent current generations never bothering to convert. Ilos was heavily involved with the societal evolution of early man and gave great boons to those who showed significant intellectual ability. Those who received these boons would go on to be some of the first noble families, setting the stage for what would eventually become Centaria's complex social class system.   His primary focus being on higher education makes Ilos an appealing god for many citizens, both low and high-class. Nearly all learning institutions - from nursery schools to universities - are dedicated to him, with the Orital College of Advancement being christened by him personally. His temples frequently have offices and labs built adjacent to them, intended to be used by Centaria's brightest minds. Getting a post at one of these facilities is considered a grand achievement, and those that do are given the same respect as a high priest.  
Followers of Ilos are not held to a strict worship schedule, though there are weekly services on weekends. Being that he is the most popular diety on Centaria, his holidays are the most ubiquitous across all nations. He does not have any solid moral code his followers must adhere to, though most persons running his churches won't tolerate malicious behavior.
  His symbol is an astrolabe.  

Celestial Being

  In addition to having the most followers out of all the gods, Ilos also has the most active celestial beings (for the past 8 centuries or so). They can be found nearly everywhere, and fit themselves into society seamlessly. While in the past they kept their true identities carefully hidden, some now make no effort to do so and may even go out of their way to flaunt their status. They normally take jobs in the educational or scientific sector, though they normally only act in supervisory or managerial roles. They also tend to have diverse and unique personalities, with some being personable and others off-putting. Ilos typically lets them live as long as their presenting species would, which is normally about 300 years since most look elven.   Ilos' celestial beings naturally have dark black hair.
Divine Classification