Jaira-Fine Syndrome

Jaira-Fine Syndrome (also known as J.F.S.) is a genetic mutation that can affect females of any species of pure elves. J.F.S. affects the reproductive system and causes infertility, with the severity depending on the type of the syndrome. There is no known cure, and it affects about 1 in 200 eleven women.  
  • Type 1
Type 1 Jaira-Fine Syndrome is characterized by an acute level of infertility in a female elf. Conceiving is not impossible with type 1 J.F.S. syndrome, though the chances are exceedingly rare and the pregnancy is considered high-risk. A significant percentage of J.F.S.-affected pregnancies result in stillbirths.  
  • Type 2
Type 2 Jaira-Fine Syndrome is characterized by absolute infertility. While someone with type 2 J.F.S. still experiences a menstrual cycle and menopause, any kind of conception is impossible. Aside from infertility, there are no side effects and they are otherwise completely healthy.
Chronic, Congenital