Minor Deities

Minor Deities in Centaria are born from especially powerful mortals after their death. They have no physical mortal form and only exist in their domains in a pocket dimension, although they can project their consciousness to those on Centaria and give them power in exchange for their worship. Their dimensions are traversable by mortals, though only through great effort and possibly illegal means.   Worship of minor deities is highly stigmatized, and many still see their followers as "cults". While this definition is debatable, there are still some cities that outlaw the worship of certain minor deities. Because of this, most followers will hide their worship.   As they are born from exceptionally powerful mortals and keep themselves hidden for the most part, new deities are constantly being discovered. Some current-known notable minor deities are listed below, though this is surely not even near an exhaustive list.  
NameDomainDesignationYears Active
Amilcare Wine & Beer Caution Advised 814 TIE - 337 TGE
Aomine Seduction Harmless 228 TGE - Current
Cirino Shadows Extremely Hostile 1943 TCE - Current
Diji Pleasure Hostile 1159 TIE - Current
Emias Innocence Harmless 985 TIE - Current
Grasilda Fate & Fortune Hostile 1339 TIE - Current
Irra Revolution Caution Advised 1692 TDE - 80 TGE
Itmal Hard Labor Caution Advised 2036 TRE - 253 TGE
Kompamp Dreams Harmless 745 TIE - Current
Mikayla Torture Extremely Hostile 1544 TDE - Current
Musus Oceans Harmless 5 TIE - Current
Neia Hunting Caution Advised 1800(est) TFE - Current
Nonus Justice Extremely Hostile 1506 TDE - Current
Orizeal Immortality Hostile 1632 TDE - Current
Serevo Logic & Intelligence Caution Advised 7 TGE - Current
Sid Military Extremely Hostile 1392 TIE - 15 TGE
Ubaga Animal Husbandry Harmless 1001 TIE - Current
Yama Luck Caution Advised 2042 TRE - Current
Zalana Fame & Wealth Harmless 1961 TCE - Current
Ziphin Riddles & Mockery Caution Advised 1524 TDE - Current