Tedite (Ted-ite)

God of Power & Might

Tedite is one of the 8 major gods of Centaria. He was responsible for helping early mortals create warriors and hunters for their communities, as well as guiding young children he deemed had potential. Those children would grow up to be revered warriors, universally respected by their communities and feared by their adversaries. Just as Ilos created the first of the noble families for those with impressive intellect, so did Tedite for those with battle prowess. Current-day soldiers and war heroes frequently try to trace their ancestry back to The Founding Era, hoping to find that their family was blessed by Tedite. Given that it was over 3000 years ago and written documentation was scarce until late in The Founding Era, few have found success in this endeavor.   In addition to soldiers, Tedite also has a large following of those who fancy themselves adventures. Goet is pledged to him largely due to this reason, as the population there has a history of brave travelers. Tedite spends little time on Centaria and is the god that spends the least amount of time on the planet. Because of this, his presence is revered whenever he shows up and those that follow him tend to stop whatever they were doing and appreciate his company. Regardless of if he is there or not, his followers are expected to attend regular service, which happens once a week. While he does have traditional temples, many training grounds and physical education centers are dedicated to him as well.   He is considered a dogmatic god, with his doctrine being just slightly less strict than Vestus'. Given that many of his followers are typically soldiers/law enforcement/security, their moral code is expected to be of a high caliber, with major virtues being courageous and steadfast.   While nearly all religions co-exist peacefully, the one exception to this is occasionally Tedite's and Vestus' churches. During The Divine Era, the two of them lent their celestial beings to opposing sides of the war (see: The Celestial Stalemate). While the bad blood between the two gods has (seemingly) been rectified, some followers still cling to the animosity. Given that the two are the most dogmatic of all religions, their beliefs are hard to change.     His symbol is a mountain.  

Celestial Beings

  Tedite has scarcely created celestial beings since The Divine Era, and those that he does create typically stick to his churches and training grounds. They not only supervise activity but will occasionally offer advice and training of their own. Given how rare they are, receiving individual training from one is seen as a great honor. While Tedite was responsible for creating some of the first noble families, his celestial beings seem to care little about a person's social status and will interact with whomever they deem worthy of their time. Because of this, many view his beings as rude and self-serving. Their personalities range slightly, with most being tough and blunt and a select few (typically the women) being kinder to their pupils. His celestial beings' expertise also varies depending on the location, so one could seek out training in a number of disciplines. Because they normally live isolated from society, they have no reason to hide their true identities.   Tedite's celestial beings naturally have bright white hair.
Divine Classification