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Celestial is a language of grace, power, and divinity. It is imbued with the essence of the heavens, and spoken with a sonorous, flowing rhythm that is both beautiful and awe-inspiring. Those who speak Celestial often carry an aura of reverence and serenity, reflecting their connection to the Celestial Realms. The language is characterized by its rich vocabulary, which encompasses not just words, but complex concepts, emotions, and expressions that are not found in other languages.
  To the Irenic Foundation, it is a sacred tongue, used to praise their celestial patrons and to pray for their guidance. To those who have been transformed by celestial energy, it is a symbol of their newfound purpose and connection to the divine. Whether spoken in hushed tones or in powerful exclamations, Celestial is a language that inspires and uplifts those who hear it.


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