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Draconic is a deep and guttural language, filled with growls and roars that evoke the sheer power and majesty of dragonkind. The language itself is said to have been formed from the ancient vocalizations of the first dragons of Nova Stratos. Since then been passed down from generation to generation of dragons, dragonborn, kobolds, and surprisingly, the Lizardfolk.
  When spoken, Draconic is a force to be reckoned with, filled with confidence and strength that demands respect and obedience from all who hear it. Whether it is used to issue commands or to simply communicate, Draconic is a language that is steeped in tradition and imbued with the power of the dragonkind. To speak Draconic is to tap into the raw, unbridled energy of the dragons themselves, and to be in the presence of someone speaking Draconic is to be in the presence of power and mastery.


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