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Festerfield is a desert city located on the southwestern coast of Yosvyn, the island home of the Gnomes. It was once the capital of the Arcasturm Republic, but a catastrophic tsunami in the year 1350 devastated the city, causing it to lose its status as the capital. Despite the damage caused by the tsunami, Festerfield has managed to rebuild itself and remains a hub of gnomish culture and learning.
  The city of Festerfield is known for its architecture, which is influenced by the desert setting and the city's history. Many of the buildings are constructed from sandstone, with sloping roofs to protect against the harsh desert sun. The city's layout is organized around a central square, with wide boulevards and streets radiating outwards. The city's design is meant to facilitate trade and commerce, with markets and bazaars scattered throughout the city.
  One of the most notable institutions in Festerfield is The Xalziver Academy, a prestigious magic school named after the Gnomish deity of knowledge and understanding, Xalziver. The academy is home to a library filled with ancient tomes and rare manuscripts, as well as a museum displaying the findings of expeditions to the ruins of Festerfield and beyond. The museum is called the Xalziver Academy Museum of Historical and Scientific Wonders, and it is a popular destination for both locals and travelers interested in the history and culture of the Gnomes.
  Festerfield is also home to the headquarters of The Order of the Blessed Cog, a religious institution dedicated to the worship of The Great Machine, a Gnomish deity associated with progress and technology. The Order's headquarters, known as the Clock Tower of the Great Machine, is a towering clockwork structure that serves as both a temple and an expeditionary base for the Cogites, the followers of The Great Machine, as they explore the ruins of Festerfield in search of ancient technology and artifacts. Despite the rivalry between the followers of The Great Machine and the followers of Trakorin's Toolbelt (the old Gnomish pantheon), the two groups occasionally cooperate and even display their findings at the museum of The Xalziver Academy.


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