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Iaoth, Exarch of Fate, Time and Death

Iaoth, Exarch of Fate, Time and Death, is a powerful and revered figure among the Celestials. They are responsible for maintaining the balance and flow of time and for ensuring that the souls of the dead are brought once again through the wheel of reincarnation. Iaoth's appearance is unique and otherworldly. They have a humanoid form, but their body is made from the cosmos itself, appearing as a swirling mass of stars and darkness, with constellations orbiting within them.   Iaoth does not have a mouth and cannot speak, but they are able to communicate through their movements and actions. They hold a small black globe in their hand, through which they are able to view the entirety of the cosmos' history. This allows them to see all that has happened, is happening and will happen, making them one of the most powerful and knowledgeable beings in the celestial realm.   Orbiting Iaoth is a small orb, like a meteor, that represents the flow of time. When Iaoth manipulates time, the orb's orbit will slow or accelerate. They can use this orb to manipulate time, slowing it down or speeding it up. This allows them to intervene in mortal affairs, ensuring that events unfold as they should and that the balance of fate is maintained.   Iaoth is known for their stern but fair nature. They are respected by all Celestials, and are often called upon to mediate disputes or offer guidance. They are also known for their compassion and understanding, and are often sought out by Celestials and mortals alike for advice and counsel.   Iaoth's role as the Exarch of Fate, Time and Death is to ensure that mortal souls are brought back through the wheel of reincarnation. They are invoked in rituals and ceremonies related to death and rebirth, and their presence is believed to bring peace and understanding to those who are grieving.  
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