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Orc Pantheon

The Orcish old Pantheon are a set of beastial spirits of the Jungle.   Sharog is a deer consumed by vines with antlers covered in moss. A Spirit of life in their jungle home, sharog oversaw the slow, steady growth of the jungle & all living beings.   When around plants or youthful beings, Sharog would imbue them with unbriddled growth, often growing many years worth, in a few moments before Sharog would run away.   Sharog also imbues beasts and plants with the ability to speak Sylvan. Sharog leaves growing moss on the ground they touch.   Since the dropping of the orcish isle and cultural shift of the southern, more infernal orcs, the ritualistic culling of Sharog has become prevalent, as Sharog will be reborn a fowl flowing down the river. Orcs of Gushnazzugh will find tracks of moss sprawling from the river.   Hunting of Sharog wasnt unheard of, in fact it would occur regularly when Sharog was an adult and the plants of the forrest could not grow further without collapsing under their own weight. An adult heart of Sharog can lend much power and vitality to those who consume it. but a child heart of Sharog doesn't imbue nearly as much.   Instead the Infernal Orcs cull Sharog to Rob the Tree Tenders of their hope.


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