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Soul Based Magic

The Soul as a Source

  Elements are direction but the soul is the force. Belief and desire are powerful conductors for this power. Each mortal being in the Central Domain has a soul, which can be viewed as an orange glow in the ethereal plane. Over the course of one's life, hardship and experience will forge and temper the soul, becoming stronger.   When a mage casts a spell, they are tapping into their own well of passion and inside themselves converting that energy to cause the effect. Soldier's too rely upon this to draw strength from further than what their muscle alone could acomplish. Some call upon the strength of other beings, such as gods or strong primal creatures.  

The Wheel

  When a creature dies it's soul disperses from it's body. There it lingers, sometimes seperating into many aspects of a person, a strong soul can remain whole, whereas weaker souls tend to fracture & reform many times each generation, awaiting a stronger life to remain whole.   It is known that mortal souls are not tied to a specific species. Strong heroes who have died in the woods have been known to be reborn into beasts destined to become strong and giant.   There are examples of strong mages who've had the ability to send their souls from their body. These mages occasionally reappear a few hundred meters from their body, in a new body. One unscarred by lived experiences, with the mind of the mage that returns in a matter of months.  


Souls not ready to depart may become spirits or a more powerful form of undead.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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