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Sylvan is a musical and whimsical language, spoken by the creatures of the Prarie Grove. It is a language filled with secrets and mysteries, known only to those who have lived amongst the trees and under the moonlight. It is a language of nature and magic, filled with all the wonder and enchantment that The Domain of Nature holds.
  With each word, the speaker can paint a picture of the forest, of the creatures that inhabit it and of the magic that lies just beyond the trees. The tone of Sylvan is soft and gentle, but with a sharp edge, as the creatures who speak it are not to be underestimated. It is said the mere sound of Sylvan is enough to soothe the wildest of beasts and cause the wind to stir. It is a language of beauty, power and protection, and those who master it are revered and respected by all in the Prarie Grove.


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