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The Court of Ice and Snow

The Court of Ice and Snow is a realm of icy beauty and cold precision, ruled by the The Crystalline Empress. It is a place of stark white landscapes and frozen tundras, with towering glaciers and glistening ice caves. The air is always crisp and biting, and the ground is covered in a thick blanket of snow.   The court itself is located in a grand palace made of shimmering ice, with spires and towers that seem to reach up to touch the sky. The interior is just as cold and frosty as the exterior, with chambers and hallways adorned with intricate carvings of ice and sparkling jewels.   Gwenhwyfar sits upon a throne of ice, surrounded by her loyal subjects and her daughters, the ice maidens. These ethereal beings are known for their beauty and their deadly touch, which can freeze a person's flesh and soul in an instant.   The Crystalline Empress is served by a court of frost giants, thursir giants, and other winter-born creatures who are loyal to her rule. They are tasked with defending the realm and carrying out her will, and they do so with fierce devotion.   Despite the harshness of the Court of Ice and Snow, it is also a place of great wonder and magic. Gwenhwyfar is a powerful sorceress, and her court is filled with magical artifacts and powerful enchantments. Those who are able to gain her favor may be rewarded with blessings or gifts of magic, but they must always be careful not to cross her or incur her wrath.


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