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The Goblin King

For generations, the goblins have harbored a deep-seated sense of yearning, a longing for a power and respect they believe is their birthright. Cast out from orcish society and left to fend for themselves, they developed their own culture and traditions, yet still felt a sense of being less than they deserved. From this yearning came the prophecy of the Goblin King, a century-old belief passed down through the ages.
  The prophecy speaks of a chosen goblin, one who will rise up to lead the tribes back to greatness, using their cunning and resourcefulness to overcome all obstacles and reclaim their rightful place in the world. The prophecy leans heavily on the goblins' belief in their cursed origins, that they are a subrace of orc and possess the same potential for strength and power if only they can find the right leader to guide them.
  For many goblins, the prophecy is a beacon of hope, a promise of a brighter future. But the reality is often harsher, as the Goblin Kings who arise are usually killed within months of taking the throne, leaving the tribes leaderless once more. Despite this, the belief in the prophecy remains strong, an ever-present reminder of the goblins' longing for something more.


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