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The Order of the Blessed Cog

The Order of the Blessed Cog is a religious group dedicated to the worship of the Great Machine, a deity believed to be responsible for the creation and maintenance of the natural and mechanical world. The Order operates out of the Clock Tower of the Great Machine, a grand temple in the heart of Festerfield. The Clock Tower is a tall, imposing structure made of brass and steel, adorned with intricate clockwork mechanisms and decorated with symbols of the Great Machine. The temple serves as a center of worship for believers in the Great Machine, as well as a base of operations for expeditions to the ruins of Festerfield, where the Order searches for relics and artifacts related to their deity. Members of the Order are known for their discipline and devotion, and are often trained in both magical and martial skills to defend their faith and further their knowledge of the Great Machine. Despite their dedication, the Order is not known for proselytizing or forcing their beliefs on others, and often works alongside believers in other pantheons in their expeditions to the ruins.


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