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The Order of the Elements

Written by Pip
The Order of the Elements is a group of knights that serves dragons above all else. The Order is based on Nova Stratos, a floating island in the sky, and is dedicated to protecting and serving the dragons that live there. The Order is open to anyone, regardless of upbringing, race, gender, sexual preference, nationality, or religion, as long as they are willing to serve the dragons. The knights of the Order are trained in a variety of combat techniques and magic, and are often called upon to defend Nova Stratos and the dragons from threats both external and internal. The Order is highly respected within Nova Stratos, and its knights are revered for their bravery, loyalty, and dedication to their duty.   The Order's keep is located on Nova Stratos, and they have a ceremony hall where important events, such as the naming of new Dragon Knights, take place. The Order also values knowledge and learning, and they have a library where their members can study and learn about dragons and their ways. The Grand Master of the Order is the leader and highest authority within the group, and they are responsible for the overall direction and well-being of the Order. The Grand Master is said to have their own magical tome in which they record the history of their order, every member and act the order takes, as well as the histories of the outside world which are relevant.   The Order is led by the Grand Master, who is chosen by the dragons and knights of the Order to lead and guide them. The Grand Master is responsible for maintaining the traditions and values of the Order, and for ensuring that the knights are prepared to defend the dragons at all times. The Order values honor, duty, and service above all else, and its members are expected to uphold these values in all aspects of their lives.   The Order is divided into a number of different ranks, each with its own set of duties and responsibilities. The lowest rank is that of Squire, which is held by those who are still in training to become knights. The next rank is the Clutch Wardens, who act as sentinels over dragon eggs. The vanguard of the order's forces are made up of Knights, which is held by those who have completed their training and have proven themselves in combat. The highest rank is that of Dragon Knight, which is reserved for those who have bonded with a dragon and are able to command them in battle.
Military, Knightly Order


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