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The Ursine

The Ursine is a powerful and majestic Fey Eminence, with a commanding presence and a fierce protectiveness towards his kingdom and his subjects. His thick bearskin cloak and holly crown mark him as a leader of the wild, and his blackened maul speaks to his prowess in combat. As the ruler of the Court of the Wild, the Ursine is responsible for protecting and preserving the natural world, and he takes this role seriously.   The Ursine is a warrior at heart, and he is fiercely protective of his kingdom and his people. He is quick to anger, and his wrath is a fearsome thing to behold. However, he is also fair and just, and he is known to be a wise and thoughtful ruler. He values strength, courage, and loyalty above all else, and he is respected and revered by all the denizens of his realm.   He is known for his love of honey, and it is said that he always carries a pot of it with him, either for sustenance or as a gift for those who have pleased him. Despite his gruff exterior, the Ursine has a soft spot for his subjects, and he will go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being.   The Court of the Wild is a place of wild beauty and untamed nature. It is a realm of forests and mountains, of bears and werebears, of druids and rangers. The Ursine is the undisputed ruler of this place, and his word is law. Those who dare to defy him risk his wrath, but those who earn his respect and loyalty are rewarded with his protection and friendship.


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