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Veggol is the demon lord Kathaan's personal domain. It is a place of darkness and chaos, ruled by Kathaan. The landscape is made up of darkstone, a black, jagged rock that seems to absorb all light. However, there are also veins of orange soulstone that dot the landscape, glowing brightly and pulsing with energy.   The air in Veggol is thick and heavy, and the sky is always filled with dark clouds that obscure the sun. The only light comes from the soulstone veins, which provide a dim, flickering illumination.   Veggol orbits the Central Domain.   It is said that Veggol is a place of endless suffering, where the souls of mortals who have been harvested by Kathaan's vampires are sent to be consumed by the demon lord. Many fear even mentioning Veggol, as it is believed to draw the attention of Kathaan and her minions. Those who dare to use magic to venture into Veggol rarely return, and those who do are forever changed by the horrors they witness there.


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