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The altar of Traelar, also known as the Wildgrove, is a sacred place nestled deep in the heart of the Eranthil Forest. It is a place of contemplation and reverence, where devotees of Traelar can come to commune with the god of nature and the wild.
  The Wildgrove is a serene and peaceful place, surrounded by tall trees and lush greenery. The air is filled with the sweet scent of flowers and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze. The ground is soft and springy beneath the feet, covered with a thick layer of moss and ferns.
  At the center of the Wildgrove stands a large, ancient tree, its branches spreading out wide like a canopy. This tree is sacred to Traelar, and it is said that the god himself dwells within its ancient trunk. Devotees of Traelar often come to the Wildgrove to offer prayers and offerings to the god, leaving offerings of flowers and other natural gifts at the base of the tree.
  The sounds of the Wildgrove are just as peaceful and serene as the sights and smells. The soothing sound of a nearby stream can be heard in the distance, and the birds and other animals of the forest sing and chirp in the trees overhead. It is a place of tranquility and solitude, where one can find peace and solace in the presence of Traelar.
  Guarding the Wildgrove Altar is a majestic stag named Silverhorn. Silverhorn is a powerful and noble animal, with shining silver antlers and a deep, resonant voice. He is fiercely protective of the Wildgrove and all its inhabitants, and he will fiercely defend the altar against any threat. Despite his fearsome appearance and strength, Silverhorn is a kind and gentle being, and he is deeply respected by all who know him. He is often seen by the altar, gazing off into the distance with a wise and thoughtful expression, as if he is contemplating the mysteries of the natural world.
World wonder


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