Lycano Dayarm Character in Central Haven | World Anvil
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Lycano Dayarm

Lycano Dayarm is a very well and revered philosopher, inventor and acclaimed artist. Lycano Dayarm was born on Owhua in the city of Dewwell. He was a half his mother a well known elf painter while his father was a canine shifter merchant. He took on much of the look of his father but held the grace and magic of his mother.   Lycano is first and most well known for his paintings, sculptures, carvings and mosaics. At a young age he was amazing his mother’s patrons and associates with his skill in painting. Before Lycano was of full maturity his mother was struck with an illness and could no longer paint. Lycano took over his mother’s painting. Soon though he was finding new patrons and pushing the boundaries of what could be done. He experimented with different styles of paints, ways to make the paint last longer. He also started to caving and making sculptures. One of his most famous works is a mosaics that is titled “Gift of the Crystal passions.” How he got the sparkle, and what he used as the cement to glue it together is still a mystery.   Next many find Lycano writings. Lycano held the belief that everyone was equal. Elves, Shifters and halves. Each person was here for a reason, they had a duty and place. Lycano also belived that having diversity was a great and wonderful thing. One of his quotes is “Diversity is great and wonderful as each one brings a different color to the painting of the world.” Many of his sayings, and writings were spread across Owhua, it wasn’t until after his death they went world wide.   The lest well known facts about Lycano Dayarm is that he was an inventor and helped the city of Dewwell clean up some of their streets. With in many of Lycano’s notes drawings of fantastic flying machines, and different vehicles for carrying many people. Unfortunately scholars are still trying to decipher Lycano’s notes as it is written in code and some think a combination of three languages.   Lycano’s influence has spread from Owhua mostly because of his art. Where his art has made an impression, his writings and drawings of the inventions are also popular. There are a few small devotee places mostly on Owhua and Lafliuton.

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