Notnola Glen Building / Landmark in Central Haven | World Anvil
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Notnola Glen

In the south of Nucrana lies a huge lake that holds the greatest landmark of Nucrana. Notnola Glen is the area that consists of the lake Notnola, the river Kipter, and the Heaven falls. All of which is surrounded by the Nornola forest and Heaven cliffs.   The only access to Notnola Glen is from the south through the Nornola forest. There are three trails that lead to Notnola lake. One trail comes directly from the south, north to the lake. This trail is appropriately named Notnola Glen trail. The next trail is Kipter creek trail, as this trail follows the kipter creek that flows out of lake Notnola. The last trail is called Heaven trail as ends at the lake closest to the Heaven cliffs. As you follow any of the trails you come through the thick colorful full of life Nornola forest before coming to a huge open meadow that holds Notnola lake and Heaven falls. Lake Notnola is a deep blue during the spring and summer while in the fall and winter it is green and it maintains a cool temperature year round. The color change comes about due to the matting season of two different fish that use the lake as an hatchery. Notnola is also the deepest lake in the world. The shore line is full of round Crystal rock of many different colors.   Heaven Falls huge and can be heard long before it is seen. The Kipter river feeds the falls. While the falls, lake and forest are a wondrous wonder together what many come to see are the large delicate carvings into the Heaven cliffs.   Many visitors come to Notnola Glen each year, but they are also limited in where they are allowed to go. Going off the trails and into the waters is severely punished by the Nucrana Republic. There are also several Magiolgist and Archeologist that come to study the cliff carvings. They have to get special permission from the Republic to do so.

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