Laws of incorporation, Terran Meritocracy Navy

Asserting that we, the undersigned, have formed a natural and sacred pact, to organize amongst ourselves, and in the interest of service, to delineate reponsabilities:

  1. Jormagdh Cummerbund, to be referred to within this document therefore as the Whiskey Admiral, to command us and the navy's most dutiful and obedient ratings.

  2. Sorozon-Mitani White-Fuchs, to be referred to as the Wine-Admiral, to keep a running tally of the necessary ratings, to elevate them up in command and responsabilities and demote them, as is only proper. To hire a Judge-Advocate General and other prosecutors to keep a functioning system of military justice, to protect law and order when under martial law, and all other particulars.

  3. Jean-Sylvia Strawberry-Simone, to be referred to henceforth as the Beer-Admiral, and to enjoin us to be kept fed and supplied in ammonition and all other victuals and supplies. In order to do this, they are to secure a lease to the terrain whose address is 17 Funerary Drive, in order to build an adminirative building to serve as am administrative building and temporary school for the teaching of the arts of space warfare. All of the other personnel are to assist in said teaching, according to their specialities and availabilities, as it is most important that the best ideas are implemented in all areas of the fleet.

  4. Siudade Dominion-Spinne, to be referred to as the Steel-Admiral, and to ensure we are supplied with appropriate ships and technologies at all time that we may effectively defend the Meritocracy's borders and territory, citizens and moral rights.

  5. Five-Ottante Oslosson, to be referred to as the Command Master Chief of the Boats, the senior-non-commissioned officer of all the ships of the Meritocracy Navy, to enjoin us to the most excellent conduct and respect of all rules and regulations and customs at all times.

This document has obviously been doctored, as it can be attested to have occured, with no precedent, in the systems of the Meritocracy, precisely the day contact was lost with earth, and therefore the precise day we cannot account for its provenance with any certainty, and its origins bearing the most spurious of relationships with the truth.

Likewise, the statement that it was recorded in Thallaxad City is dubious, as all the named parties were assigned to the Gauntlet at the time, and couldn't make it to the surface at the times mentioned.

The references to a whiskey-admiral, a wine-admiral and a beer-admiral smack of a prank to the pratical observer, but given how little any of the document can be authenticated, it's not really raising the suspicious factor, since everything needs a secondary source, and we don't have one for most of it...

Likewise, the fact that after two hundred and thirty years a 'temporay school' is still temporary is laughable. But the Navy hasn't even bothered to update it's own infosite. Clearly, something is awry in the Navy, but where to begin?

Oh, certainly at "Five-ottante"? That the first NCO of the service was such a hardass, he was known as 'four-hundred'? Presumably, the four hundred laps of the compound? Or the number of strenuous repetitions of exercice he'd assign as punishment? Please, I'm dying here...

The laws of incorporation, a critical look, Fiumé Fatima, Thallaxad Press, Thallax City, Thallax, 2314.
The Early Years of the Navy, a re-examination, Jarrald Cosmopolitan,


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Aug 21, 2024 15:16

Funny! I think someone got a little too drunk there.

If you're seeing this, I may have used your article for my 2024 Reading Challenge.
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