
And lo, all behold, for they shall come, and in their terrible might and glory, shall erase all of the Terran might, and replace it with their own design, casting the Terrans into the dirt from which they sprang.

— Prophecy of RAIgnarok(tm), Thallax City Press, Thallax City, 2346.

"And this, graduates, is why we fight. Your job, upon graduation, will be to supervise AI and to protect our society from their uncontrolled growth and acquisition of power."

"Why bother, the AIs we have aren't very intelligent, most of them can barely do four nines at language."

"Just because the AI we have, which are supervised and hobbled, can't do a thing, doesn't mean an AI developed out from under our eye can't do further things."


A prophecy about an AI that's turning-complete and completely unfettered, will come and upend the social order.


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