Spinne 6c5c58fd-ada9-4b57-9d81-9155afa5dcd7

"To whom do I have the honor?"   "I am Spinne dcd7, I am your hostess."   "You're a mite young to be a spymistress, aren't you?"   "A spy, me? That's so very funny."   "Well, this is a house of spies."   "Whatever gave you that idea? I'm a teller of tales..."  
  Rachel Wraith and Adian Stammler were clearing up dishes after dinner, in their quarters that night...   "Aw, come on."   "You didn't need to flirt with her! You're sleeping on the couch! Besides, her real age would shock you!"   "Come on, shock me."   "She's probably just shy of ninety."   "What, she looks about 23..."   "Well, Gene-locked genocells and Pineal Ampuls slow down aging... She's at least 78, as long as she started taking them at the requisite age of 18..."   "And that logo on her uniform?"   "That spider? In german, that's a Spinne, come on, we took that class together..."   "That's not a regular spider she's wearing though, it's a black widow, I noticed the hourglass..."   "That'd make her a genemix of Red and Spinne, their spymasters..."   "I noticed you let her ridicule me for saying that..."   "It wasn't worth the effort to argue, she'd have just denied."   "Any other odd custom I should know about?"   "What?"   "You're my wife, I expected your support, even in a pyrrhic victory..."   "I'm my own woman, you don't get support in a lost cause..."   "I'm new here, I don't always know they're lost causes, it's all..."   "Oh, should I try to help you?"   "Maybe if you let me know I'm not to have your support, I'll fold too..."   "Oh, you'd listen to me?"   "I try, it's hard, we are having this cultural divide... but it's not intentional on my part, I assure you..."   "Oh, so you want my support?"   "I love you, I want us to be a family, why wouldn't I want your support?"   "Because you went behind my back and asked my dad to give you that brand..."   "I didn't 'ask' for it, he just mentioned it as something that'd make our lives easier, he certainly didn't say it would be a big thing..."   "I want to punch dad now..."   "Aw, don't, let me do it..."   "Why would I do that?"   "Because he fooled me, about how upset you'd be?"   "Hmm, you'd get into fisticuffs with an ambassador of all people?"   "You're my wife, I'd arm-wrestle the president of the Solarian Federation if it'd make you smile..."   "C'mere..."
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
2219 CE 91 Years old
Fathomless Black Eyes, with imperceptible pupil
Aligned Organization
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