The cyberbattle of 2245_the cutting of the light

In terms of raw societal impact, the cutting of the light is the single event affecting the most humans at any one time in any meaningful way. It broke the Solarian Federation from the Terran Meritocracy, who were never the same again.

"The terran meritocracy's twenty billion citizens..." He stopped, seeing the gesture from the Usher.

"I would speak upon the assembly!"

"I would know your name, and the name of those you represent, for the record?" The usher looked pale as a sheet.


"I am Ginette Simone-Strawberry, I am representing the Siolaner, Niobaran and Clabattan systems, I am representing the seven billion Reds you all condemned to the dustbin of history!"

"Order! Order!"

"I would petition this assembly for the rights our people had curtailed. I petition for reintegration in the name of Siolaner, Clabattan and Niobarans you abandoned."

The petition, chapter XI of The cutting of the light: next biggest societal change in human history, after agriculture. by Jurgen Orange, Thallaxian press, Thallax Prime, 2354.

"Of course it was not to be."

"Those who have been dispossessed seldom petition their abusers for their rights back, successfully."

"Quite so."

The Conflict


The info-sphere of Sol System, and the link to colonies in Epstein-Barr galaxy.


  • Triggered the Ginger Diaspora and broke the Solarian Federation into five distinct pieces: the Solar Human Directorate, the Terran Meritocracy. the Clabattan System, the Siolaner System and the Niobaran Federation.
  • Included under Conflict
    Conflict Type
    Battlefield Type
    Ending Date


    Solar Confederation


  • "Octet" AI virtual hacking collective.
  • Home Fleet
  • Mars Fleet
  • Jupiter Fleet
  • Trojan Fleet
  • Thallax Fleet
  • Siolaner Fleet
  • Clabba Fleet
  • Niobaran Fleet
  • Casualties

  • "Octet" AI virtual hacking collective was lost due to inability to return home after mission.
  • Became part of the Solar Human Directorate:
  • Home Fleet
  • Mars Fleet
  • Jupiter Fleet
  • Trojan Fleet
  • Became part of the Terran Meritocracy:
  • Thallax Fleet
  • Siolaner Fleet
  • Clabba Fleet
  • Niobaran Fleet
  • Objectives

  • Infiltrate Terran HQ's information networks.
  • Evaluate Solar Federation's defenses.
  • Break major communication axes for the Solar Federation, isolating target systems for later assault.
  • Did not achieve any objectives, were taken by total strategic and tactical surprise, and only reacted to Tlalor moves.
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