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Chaos Soul Mystic

The Herald of the Opal Road Avylss Vernisí (a.k.a. Narki, Avi)

Played by Kacey

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Body of a marathon runner, very physically fit and fast. Blindness and deafness only extends to the physical world; she's able to see the energy that makes up almost everything instead.

Body Features

Occasional glitch in her appearance

Facial Features

Changes every time she takes her mask off

Identifying Characteristics

Long, long, long black hair

Physical quirks

Dominant hand/side sporadically switches

Special abilities

Saturation: Anyone and anything within 10ft of her becomes more vibrant and asymmetrical from the exposure to the chaotic forces roiling inside of her at all times.
Cosmic Insight: Contained within her subconscious is all of the knowledge and secrets of the universe. She can only tap into it for one minute, but once doing so she's able to see everything that exists around her and exists partially in the Ethereal plane. The knowledge of everything gives her a sense of precognition, aiding her reflexes, and pushes her strength to a new level.

Apparel & Accessories

Armor made of light that shifts between all colors, Japanese-style fox mask, bright and blinding colors

Specialized Equipment

Dual-wielded soul blades made of chaotic primordial energy

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Avylss was originally created for the Fates, to function as the spool holding the threads which would be used to spin the tapestries of destiny. She was intended to be out of the way, utilized as a body but expected not to interact. No speaking, no moving, nothing; to do more than stand and meditate and exist risked corrupting the wellspring of pure energy inside of her that kept the strings untainted. Unsurprisingly, she found being a glorified pin to be an an absolute bore. Despite her purpose, she spent more time tangling strings together and trying to blend the threads than being their doll. Eventually, the trail of inconveniences she delighted in leaving in her wake caught up to her, and she was removed from the realm of Fate.

With a quick goodbye to the Moonweaver, who was by all definitions the Only Good Bitch among the Fates, Avylss was repurposed as a soldier in the Raven Queen's army, under the authority of the reigning Brynhilda. Learning to fight was a good time-sink for her endless energy. Having to listen to the Raven Queen, though, was mostly a time-suck. She fought in several wars-- all of which remain a blur that she barely remembers anything from-- until even that became predictable. Cutting strings was fun and all, but there were so many other realms out there. She wanted to go through them all. She never wanted to stop seeing the worlds. Her current owners, however, kept her on a tight leash.

In a fit of desperation to keep herself from going mad at the lack of anything that seemed to go on in High Mount, Avylss snuck out. Not out of the realm itself, not yet, but to another heaven. She did this several times, for a long time, and each time she would bring back something new. A mask here, a bag there, a set of gloves no one would ever miss... until, eventually, others caught on. It was bound to happen, especially with the Brynhildas breathing down her neck. They'd almost caught her several times on her way out, actually did catch her once when she'd snuck back in. They couldn't prove anything enough to punish her, but they took her loot from that day-- a Kitsune mask she'd actually not stolen. It had been a gift from her contact in that heaven. Avylss took it personally, and then she went and took it back. The tiny smidge of interest she had left in her for the Raven Queen or serving her was completely snuffed.

The leash on her tightened after that. She was monitored everywhere she went. It was basically impossible to get out, and to make matters worse the commander overseeing her post withing the army had her benched due to 'lacking spirit'. There were no other heavens or realms she could go to without making a mess of everything. Without getting caught and tried and eventually made Fallen. Which is when it all clicked in to place. Which is when she realized that Fallen meant Free. Being purposefully bad at something she excelled at, however, didn't sit well with her. She was in the middle of working out how to be exiled without dealing with any actual consequences when her handler asked her sometimes and Avylss, out of sheer boredom, did something outlawed by all of the Celestial Plane: she lied. A very clear, very obvious lie. Her handler, bless them, tried to give her an out. Tried to make out it to be a misunderstanding but the adrenaline was already rushing. This was her moment. This was her escape. She lied again, and then again, and when her handler, aghast, was forced to call for justice, Avylss ran. Before the Solars could arrive, Avylss deemed her fall worthy of a chase and made for the Opal Road. She'd snuck into other heavens using it, slipping in behind travellers as they walked on unaware. As she ran, though, something spoke within her mind of Aasimar who were Caged or Reforged instead of made Fallen. That if they knew banishment was her goal-- and she'd never fool them that it wasn't-- then they'd never give it to her. The thought sat heavy in her stomach, made her hands tremble where they'd always always only ever been steady. And for the first time in her life, she felt something stronger than the squirming, unending need to move. She felt fear.

Caught up in the rush of new emotion, she tried to force The Road to take her somewhere, anywhere, but the Bifrost answered only the call of those permitted to travel. It was stagnant beneath her feet-- another wall she was left trapped behind. As the Solars closed in, cutting off any means of escape, Avylss had an idea. It was a crazy plan that would no doubt be the end of her, but it would be so much more of an end than what the Solars had planned. If there was a wall keeping her at bay, then she'd just do with her subconcious had been screaming at her to do since she first opened her eyes and realized her role--

Laughing in wild abandon, Avylss summoned her soul knives and stabbed them into the road below. Her soul wasn't strong enough to win, she knew, but it was strong enough to make a dent. The tiniest crack was all she needed to slip through and, perfect for the role she was created for, her pristine well of Quintessence was enough to cleanse a patch and break through. Energy surged through her; visions filled her mind; colors with meanings she had never known spilled from her eyes and mouth, her nose, her ears. The entirety of her face ruptured open, purging everything physical while at the same time filling it with the metaphysical. It was too much for her body to contain in one space, one timeline, one universe. Her quintessence shattered.

When she finally came to, she felt both nothing and everything. There was no pain but her body moved as if she ached, like everything inside of her was still settling from being shaken around. She couldn't see anything yet there were endless colors all around her, eternally shifting. All sound was gone, but she could feel the vibrations in the air that spoke to her in ways she didn't know she could hear. It was chaos, pure and simple. The bridge was gone from beneath her-- instead, the ground was splattered and distorted in color, polarizing, and the body of the dwarf she'd broken her fall on was splintered apart into energy, atoms, colors. All that was left of him that was recognizable were his shoes. The special shoes that allowed him to channel the Bifrost. She'd never had much stake in fate, despite her prior purpose, but once they were on those shoes fit her like they were meant for her.

That was the first time she heard it speak to her, and with this new voice inside came a new name to go by, something with an unending purpose:


Gender Identity





Combat Training, Historical and Religious studies


Former "Seamstress" for the Moonweaver, Former soldier for the Brynhilda family

Accomplishments & Achievements

Escaping Mount Celestia, clipping into the world eternally

Mental Trauma

All Aasimar, when made within the domain of Mount Celestia, are created devoid of all emotion in order to maintain the peace and tranquility of the plane. Avylss Vernisí, however, was one of many secret experiments with emotion; they gave her a single feeling-- Restlessness-- and then released her into High Mount for observation.

Intellectual Characteristics

Logical, factual, excessive, brash, impatient

Morality & Philosophy



Sitting still

Personality Characteristics


₍₍ ᕕ(´ʘωʘ)ᕗ⁾⁾

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good at fighting, thinking, and talking a lot; bad at impulse control, planning, and patience.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves to run and see new things, Dislikes being in one place for too long or having to wait

Virtues & Personality perks

Quick to act, willing to work with others, uplifting, eternally light-hearted

Vices & Personality flaws

Annoying, selfish, has no foresight or empathy

Personality Quirks

Disrupting anything that feels to neat or symmetrical


Contacts & Relations


Bifrost: Sugar daddy.
Asuna: BCBFF (Before Chaos Best Friend Forever).


Lisa: Easily riled up.
Vondil: Newest BFF.
Myst: Nerdling but with taste.
Erza: Chaos-kin respect  


Pyra: Jogging buddy.
Raja: Freelance contractor.
Yue: Boring killjoy.
Savant: Highly entertaining.
Gaia: Decently fun.
Wyona: Who cares.
Arcadia: Hard pass.
Beta: Fuckin' yawn.

Family Ties

A younger sister she never had much time to interact with due to her busy work schedule.

Social Aptitude

Confidence born more from a lack of shame in who she is than any actual personable skills


Tendency to steamroll or derail a conversation

Hobbies & Pets



Spoiled Rich Valley Girl
Circumstances of Birth
Purposefully created with only the feeling of Restlessness
Circumstances of Death
Rawdogging the energies of all creation and destruction in an attempt to escape capture
High Mount, Celestial Plane
Current Residence
Not High Mount
Long, sleek, raven black
6'9" (includes 4" heels)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Wanna have a little fun?"
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Celestial, Primordial
Character Prototype
Gal Gadot (original face)

Character Portrait image: by lilith-luxe


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