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The Everlasting

Public Agenda

Help recover the Yuan-Ti people's history, clear misinformation from the past, and create a better future for those who will inherit it

Divine Origins

Originally birthed during the time before time and death existed.

Cosmological Views

Fire and Free Will are just one portion of the world's recipe.    In the beginning, there was raw energy. It wished for a world to inhabit, and so it created Fire. From Fire came Light, which led immediately to the birth of Darkness from the shadow it cast, as one cannot exist without the other. Neither is more important than the other. No one power is greater.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Do not harm children
  2. Protect the weak
  3. Do not force your will onto others


Ensure that those who need it get a second chance, and those who refuse redemption face retribution. No action goes without reaction.


Those who are heavily pious will face the sun and pray 3 times a day-- at first light, at noon, and at the last light of day. A casual worship can mean just sitting in the sunlight. Any time in which you bask in the rays is worship to the sun. Any kindness that you perform in the hope that it will be paid forward is also worship.


Those in higher positions have specific henna tattoos that they bear, or hold protected ancient texts from the faith, but aside from that there is no set way to distinguish.

Granted Divine Powers


Free will by the flame

Founding Date
Religious, Divine Host
Alternative Names
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities
Related Myths


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