Siryf is a common term in Ieswetonshire for any local governmental or law enforcement authority that reports directly to the cenedl henur.
A siryf's authority varies from cenedl to cenedl, but it's generally understood that they are the regional executive. Many operate as the De Facto local magistrate, and some command small militias. The latter is more commonly found in the regions that border other countries as a first line of defense should an invasion occur.
While there are cases of elected siryfs, the role is most commonly an appointed one. The henur of any given cenedl may choose one or multiple people as a siryf. In their grant of authority, the henur will provide specifics regarding the extent of the siryf's purview and jurisdiction. Many henur often choose a siryf based on who they believe are loyal to them - leading to frequent nepotism among siryfs.