Luckas Arison Character in Cereta | World Anvil
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Luckas Arison

Luckas Arison - The Contract Hunter   Luckas Arison, a lethal contract hunter, blessed with the eye of a night owl, strengthen and ironed by the frozen land of Geraton with Klaw Evador and Andarkai Imparde. Luckas ran away from his home in Gelderland at the age of fourteen, which lead to him ending up arriving at Geraton by sneaking on a chamber of an Entercan container train. Arison craved to stop in Geraton to catch a train to chime city (the Hunter Organization authorize chime city during this time ) Luckas heard that's Geraton offer free transport to other hunter's regions using trains. Luckas desperately need to arrive at Chime city where he might have a chance of surviving with the help of the hunter Organization.   Sheathed by the consuming shadow castes by the container surrounding him, with only a few shaded windows hinting his location. Arison's pale white geldelarian skin is safely tucked away from any curious sight. The two long stripes of hairs attached to the side of his brown hair, impatiently dance freely with the momentum of two string of straws as Arison desperately try to poke his long body into a comfortable position. after minutes spent struggling to hit a comfortable sport, finally being able to settle, Arison locks his view through the shaded window. However, although it is out of his reach, the opaqued window is within the range of his eyesight, watching the movement of the people around him, his eye dashed relentlessly, hunger to seek for a scenario worth observing. Being isolated in his childhood has gifted Arison with an observant personalities, Similar to a hunting owl, Arison could spend hours upon hours, stalking upon any living thing, studying them closely, enjoying every single detail of his target like a poet observing the moon, this trait then later strengthen his step to becoming a lethal sniper, serving the Hunter Organization. However, Unfortunately, due to being isolated and neglected in a very young age, Arison has developed dozens of antisocial personalities, making it hard for him to cooperate with his fellow hunters and branching out to a new long term friendship, However, through the little experiment that he earned through interacting with others throughout his life, Arison can manipulate what people thought of him, from utilizing their flaws or changing the way he reacts, This occasionally help Arison to blend in social environment. However it is not enough for Arison to maintain long term friendships, this is because the artificial mask that he created for himself will soon appear numerous holes of deception, To Arison people are just tools for him to manipulate, this applies even to his best friend, Klaw Evador, only at a much minor level. At that time, even though Arison doesn't hold much knowledge about Geraton , thanks to the song and poem about Geraton he heard from people who he observe on the street of Gelderland, Arison is sure that Geraton carry a bone freezing cold environment , in order to counter this issue , he wore on him an adult sized jacket thickened with Ilenos's wool that he have stolen , he also bought a couple of low priced mini packs of zerafyte powered hot water bags from a local groceries store using the chicken feed amount of zerafyte that he found in the jacket, these bag seemed like they are not going to last long in Geraton's freezing temperature considering their low price . after Luckas leave Gelderland and arrived at Geraton , Arison glance at the information board, scanning for information about the train to Chime city , he then realized that he is required to wait for a few more hours to be able to hop on the next train to Chime City . however, because Arison have been craving to explore the scenery of landscape of Geraton , since he have never or observe explore such land before, Arison wanted to visit a local underground Geraton village to feed his curiosity, however, in order to be able to arrive at the nearest village , he would need to walk along a long slippery road next to a mountain , the journey wasn't too difficult at first , though he did slip and fall on the ground a number of time , although that wouldn't be able to halt him on his journey, things seemed to be alright until wind started to build up and half way during his rigorous journey , Arison was snap off the path by a violent frost storm , Launching him straight down the forest 14 meter below the mountains . for a brief moment , Arison's heart feels like it was twisted, even though Arison barely survived with the help of the thick layer of snow on the surface , due to shock , environment around him started to fade to black while he was in mid air, and the cold stole away Arison consciousness . after Luckas woke up , both of his legs were painted with shattered wound and the heat inside his water bag abandoned him , no wonder why they are cheap ,though ,something isn't right , the ground feels like it was shaking at first , Luckas is confused if his mind is playing a game with him , after fully gaining back his consciousness , Luckas realized that he was being carried on the back by someone wearing a large fur jacket, followed by two fellow that is roughly about his age , one named Klaw and the other named Andarkai, they were arguing during the whole journey one time Klaw even ask if they could eat Arison, his ludacris idea was soon negated by the person who is carrying Arison , Luckas couldn't pay much attention to what they said afterward due to the pain of frost started to flow throughout his body, Luckas position his mouth to emit a scream but not a single word flew out ,   after the tortuous journey to their destination, Luckas was knocked unconscious during the journey. Still, he was soon awoken by the aroma of steamed soup and the crackling sound of campfire as he enters a small camping area. Luckas forcefully scan through the location, it is a small area located in the middle of a forest, proudly stand in the middle of the area, a large tent, surrounded by a radio station the man then carefully drop Arison's bloodless body next to their campfire, the heat of the campfire was a pleasure until Arison's blood started to flow back around his body, the pain Arison felt could be comparable to getting burned in hell, forcefully, Arison twirl into a spiral and start to push himself to sit up, when the man notice his movement, he breathe a sigh of relief as he gently put next to Arison a steaming bowl of deer soup, Luckas glance at him suspiciously, his black hair was painted by the glow of the fire, shadowing his board face with cold blue shadow. his eyes are small, but pooled with calm aura. Luckas was astonished by his action. However he quickly paint a face of suspicion since no one has ever treated him so nicely in life, if they do, it usually ends up with Arison having to repay something, noticing the suspicion in his eyes, the man replied to Arison with a gentle smile, accompanied by a line saying "you worried me for a moment, I thought the blank walker might have taken your life, there are soups if you are hungry.", attempting to give Luckas a sign that he means no harm, however, due to Luckas's low experience in social interaction, instead of giving Luckas a sign of harmless, it planted inside Luckas even more questions and suspicion, his eyes are glued to the bowl of soup on his hand and his thought is brewing in his mind like a storm before he knows it , however his thoughts were soon interrupted after the man started to gather Klaw and Andarkai back into the tent .

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Current Location
Year of Birth
2122 ME 21 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
blue , medium sized
medium , brown , side swept
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
smooth , Gelderlarian pale white
1.84 m
73 kg

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