Marmaw Shanbaran Character in Cereta | World Anvil
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Marmaw Shanbaran

"If I called you friend, then I have probably forgotten your name, friend." - Marmaw
Innocent, naive, and forgetful, Marmaw Shanbaran is the bard of the Cold Wind squad. Contrary to his two mentors Sacarin and Heirow. Since when he was a child, Marmaw was able to see the charming beauty that lies even in the depth of Mikalis city, he can feel that the city is chanting to him, therefore to join in unison with the harmony Marmaw practiced to master the flute. And over time became one of the most prominent members of the crew.  

The Crimsonmancer.

    In the wake of his childhood, climbing and crouching in the nook and cranny of Mikalis City has made Marmaw realized that surviving in this City requires above-average emotional wit, which his mentors somehow made up with their brute strength and covert skill set. Overtime Marmaw began to Marmaw didn't learn most of his persuasion skills from random experience from tricking people in the city as it is pale when compared to the effort he needs to put in to get past Heirow's ever-protective nature.   Alongside his two flutes, strapped on his shoulder is his journal where he records his journey to capture Mikalis city. For Marmaw, this journal is not just a mere diary for him to record his days, as he wishes to publish the story to the world to see once Mikalis City belongs to them. With masterfully shambled stories of his squad's journey relentlessly flowing out of his pen and onto the paper, and different names falling through his ears after the second he heard it. Due to his memory span, most of the stories that Marmaw told are exaggerated and disfigured beyond reality, making his story much more compelling and exciting. For a person with his memory capacity, it is still a surprise for Heirow to see that Marmaw has only lost his journal once. However, his love for telling stories is unable to rivals Marmaw's love for tea infused with milk. Addicted to the calm tension of the warm liquid, Marmaw can hardly roll through high-pressure scenarios without a halve filled mug of tea in his hand.   There is a valid reason why Marmaw would only drink tea rather than drinking water. Other than having the benefit of easing Marmaw's mind in a stressful situation, the chemical in tea is needed to stop Marmaw from falling into the state that Sorrow called " Blood lust, "a curse that was set onto Marmaw by angel Mikalis as a punishment for modifying his flower. Blood Lust is a state where Marmaw loses consciousness over his body, and the void energies took his mind control inside of him. And as the name suggested, Marmaw will begin to scour to find blood, neglecting whatever the cost is. Blood Lust state will last until Marmaw has consumed enough blood. And the timer until the next blood lust state will be reset.   With the cost of his Blood craving curse, The modification of his flower has immensely enhanced Marmaw's Flora Aura, the Amarylis, a blood generator flower, making it ten times more intensive than a normal Abremen's Flora Aura. For this, Marmaw plays an irreplaceable role in the Cold Wind squad. Without Marmaw, their goal of conquering Mikalis City is no longer extraordinarily challenging but just plain impossible. Like other Blood Generators, Marmaw is able to replicate holograms using his own blood. However, unlike most bloodblume which could only send their hologram forward into oblivion. his modified aura allows him to freely control the direction of his hologram using the vibration of sounds that he created. Which he effectively put to use with his flutes. He is also able to regenerate damaged tissue from wounds using his blood continually. However, he or most of the time, Sorrow would need to be very cautious in their approach to using Marmaw's abilities. as every blood soldier Marmaw created, every wound he healed, fill the bar of Marmaw's blood lust state.   Despite its occasional inconveniences, after a century of traveling together through thick and fin, Sorrow Mismana was able to learn how to use Marmaw's curse strategically.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Marmaw Shanbaran has been and will always be a little brother in the eye of Sacarin and Mismana, their sense of responsibility for Marmaw by time has turned into an unpenetrable mist that covers Marmaw's view from the harsh reality of the life they are in. Making Marmaw's continuous enthusiasm for life possible. However, containing Marmaw's curiosity is not a task that could be completed using just profane word alone, (a method that Sacarin personally believes to be wonderfully effective.). Despite his laughable memory span, almost as quickly as he forgets things is his ability to improvise and adabt to the situation. Heirow was once able to keep Marmaw from exploring dangerous locations with a variety of methods ranging from simply using reasons to straight-up locking the little thief inside their home with ____. Unfortunately, after just a few weeks, Marmaw was able to identify the flaws in Heirow‘s argument and Heirow realized that wasting ___ only for it to be later on cracked is too costly to cover.

Personality Characteristics


Marmaw wishes to write a story about his journey with the Cold Wind squad, to tell it to people he met in the journey later on. However, due to his flashing memory. more than a quarter f the story he wrote is made up or heavily exaggerated beyond salvation.
Current Location
Quotes & Catchphrases
" I couldn't even remember someone's name if my life is depended on it, and you expect me to memorize that? "

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