C2 Session 7: The Uncanny Jackal Report Report in Cerilia | World Anvil
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C2 Session 7: The Uncanny Jackal Report

General Summary

19th of Haelynir 1545 Continued

  Ana is told about Ilessi's day from hell in more detail as the pair soak. Velirana came out the Necropolis alone, went to the inn before leaving with her stuff. She went to the Veins and met up with a masked man who was rather injured. They didn't seem familiar with one another and he didn't seem to fully trust her. He was limping and didn't really want her help but took it when needed. He noticed they were being followed and had a lot of powerful magic. Ilessi went down and thought for sure she was head. Hours later she woke up and hobbled here.   Ana tells Illesi about how they confronted Veliriana and the Scorched Hand at the temple of the Erudite Eye, and she when it was clear that her group wasn’t going to back her, she did a runner. And the masked man with a limp is probably the person who stole a powerful artifact from the temple, because of the bloody footprints.   After an hour of resting Ana is able to give both of them a bit of healing. Then soak until it's time head back and go to bed.  
Brin is told about body guard work this week for a local noble if Brin is interested, which he is.

20th of Haelynir 1545

  In the early hours of the morning Brin returns to the inn to get some sleep. When Ana and Margaret wake up they both are off on their own little errands. Ana want to go buy some better armour and Margaret takes Jamal to go and speak to Aunty.  
Margaret and Jamal arrive at the Insula Mater. They have no appointment, but Aunty has some free time to see them after a short wait. Margaret enquires with Aunty about the Sunrise Fellows. She reveals they are staying here and thanks the party for saving them and showing them kindness. They're leaving The Fading, but as a result feel a little lost. Margaret extends an invitation for them to join the guild the group is setting up.   Aunty likes this idea and volunteers the Sunrise Fellows to help set up the guild while waiting for it to be up and running as a job. Jamal has work for them as extra hands to set up the rooms and wait for orders frees him up to continue arranging everything for the guild. Also Aunty gives them a chest of items the boys have donated as thanks for a fresh start considering the group had the mumia evidence to get themselves a nice reward from the Khirdai priests for the drug and makers. Aunty is concerned about The Fading retaliating against the Sunrise Fellows and asks Margaret to keep an eye on the boys. Afterwards the pair heads back to the inn.  
Margaret heads up to her room with Jamal to find Ana relating in there. Looking in the chest they find three cloaks and 500 gold. Identifying the cloaks they find they are cloaks of Elven kind. Jamal suggests that 3 people get the cloaks and the other two get 250 gold each.  
At lunch, just before Brin is about to go out to buy his fleece, the group sits down to eat. Ubek is back to have lunch as a break from training and Jamal is around, pretending to drink something. Margaret tells the group about the gift and they decide that Brin, Ana and Jamal will get the cloaks while Margaret and Ubek split the gold.   After lunch Brin heads upstairs to find Idorii while Ana and Margaret decide to head to the hall of Blessed Rebirth.  
Brin knocks on Idorii's door. She's as short and gruff as usual self as it looks like she had just rolled out of bed. She is interested in the job. Afterwards Brin buys some fleece before chilling in the tavern section of the inn with some wine until training.  
On the way to the Hall of Blessed Rebirth Margaret talks to Ana about her visions getting clearer. Margaret also asks about Ana's comments a few days ago to do with a seer. Ana explains there’s a Seer in the bay. She works for the Pirate King. Rumor is she’s the only Seer in all of Cerilia. Like, there can only be one at a time or some bullshit like that. But everyone on the bay knows about the creepy lady who serves the Pirate King. She's not right in the head. Ana's heard a lot of stories. Apparently old drunk sailors say she's the reason the Pirate King won the war since she could see all of his rivals' plans.   They arrive at the hall of blessed. Date Palm is at the front desk. He's holding a child on his hip. She has grey-ish skin, orange hair and is about 10ish years old. Her head is resting on his shoulder. She looks tired. Date Palm is collecting a paper bag from Mistress Everhand. As Date Palm greets the pair which wakes the child, revealing her orange eyes. Margaret feels drawn to the child.   They borrow a side room to have a private conversation. In the room the pair learn the girl's name is Selene Shadowsong as she goes around the room to take all the sitting pillows to make a pillow mountain. She reveals that Date Palm's real name is Jafar Najafi and that she thinks his gang name is stupid. The pair learn more about Selene as she gets competitive when Ana starts to show off her magic. Date Palm reveals recently Selene has become chronically ill. The adults talk about The Fading and what information Date Palm can give them about them. Then Date Palm checks to see if Selene can join him at the guild and is given permission before he and the girl take their leave.   Afterwards Ana and Margaret meet with Mistress Everhand and Rahanntyl. Margaret updates them on her latest vision. They theorise about mumia being a cause of an undead uprising and as a result Margaret wants to investigate the gang. Afterwards they head out once they get some scribing supplies and head back to the inn.   That evening Ana scribes a new spell into her tome while Margaret updates Jamal on the Sunrise Fellows meeting them at the new guild building in the morning. They head to bed without issue tonight.  
Brin gets the details for the job. They'll stay with the noble, escort him everywhere, and need to be available 24 hours a day. Paying 5 gold a day. The noble's name is Khammayid Okhenti. A young noble from the area that has been away on travel. He's come back to town and is making a fuss. Throwing around money left and right to draw attention to himself. He was studying and now he's back. Mahga gives instructions for if the job is accepted to be taken to the correct estate. Go to the chilli stand and ask for the revivify option.   In the fight later that night a fighter that Brin had fought recently gives him a good haymaker, muttering about "ring that bell".

21st of Haelynir 1545

  In the morning you head back to the inn and come across Idorii arriving when Brin does notice that she is looking far less grumpy then when he last saw her. Only now does he realise she was looking a little unwell since now she looks far better then any time he's really seen her. Brin tells Idorii about the job and she agrees to take the job with him. During the conversation Brin learns that Idorii had been unwell since she left the necropolis and last night Khelru had taken her to the Khirdai temple for treatment. She's picked up some disease while in there. She's stayed overnight for observation and was just getting back to the inn now. Afterwards Brin heads to bed as Idorii leaves to take the job.  
Ana and Margaret get up to have some breakfast before leaving with Jamal to meet the Sunrise Fellows at the new guildhouse. When they arrive at guild house there are already contractors waiting to work and the Sunrise Fellows with Selene are also waiting. Selene seems more tired today. Ana entertains her a little but it isn't long before the girl is curling up in the corner for a nap. In the meantime Margaret asks about details of The Fading.
  • The perfume shop is the main face of the drug operation.
  • The Sunrise Fellows suspect one of the temples of backing the temple in some fashion. There are three temples in town. Neira, Khirdai and Sera.
  • The gang isn't primarily from Shoufal, they just have a branch in the city.
  • Rumour has it the gang is connected to the Sphinx.
  • They hide their illegal product inside legitimate ones or move it under the cover of darkness. The language of perfume, scent and flowers is used to discuss business. The product used to smuggling changes every week. Last they knew it was lavender candles before they went into the necropolis.
Afterwards they spend the rest of the morning shopping for things the special rooms in the bastion will need. Then they had back to the inn for lunch.  
At noon, the group gets together for lunch when Brin wakes. At lunch Brin tells the group about the new job him and Idorii have. Also about how Idorii had been sick the last few days which would explain her mood. The group also spends some time looking over their items for sale at the auction and how to group the items. They also decide to spread some rumours around town about their items to drive up interest especially in the cursed ring.   After lunch Brin heads for the chill stand with Margaret and Ana goes with Jamal to arrange things for the auction.  
While on the way to the chill stand, Brin explains that it is a waypoint so he can be directed discreetly where he needs to go. Margaret suspects this noble might be the clandestine noble from the divinations. When they arrive and Brin gives the phrase to the stand they are led to the noble estate area. Their escort leaves after showing them to the house.   They speak with the doorman and wait for the Lord Khammayid Okhenti. He arrives with Idorii so the pair can discuss when and how to change shifts. Margaret introduces herself as a representative of the guild and how the two guards (Brin and Idorii) are part of this guild. At the same time using Detect Thoughts to gain some insight into this noble. However his need for a bodyguard is nothing more then for show. He's self important and can't even seem to remember Brin's name.   Afterwards the pair leaves and after a moment of the discussion they head to the perfume shop. Brin stands under the shade of one of the only trees in the area to watch the shop. Many wealthy people come and go over the few hours you're able to be there. However Brin clocks the attendants inside clocking him. Afterwards they head back to the inn.  
Ana and Jamal head to the auction house, the Uncanny Jackal. Inside they speak to Dahub Irani, one of the curators. They sort out what they have for sale, starting prices and market prices for each lot. Then arrange for it to be transported to the Uncanny Jackal. Ana inquires about the items others are putting up for the auction. Bahub is happy to show them the list so far, but if they want to see the full list they would be best to come back the morning of the auction.  
Brin heads to evening training while Ana and Margaret relax before bed. Then at 8pm he arrives at the Lord's estate to take over for Idorii. The lord doesn't address or acknowledge Brin as he smokes from a hookah in his den and is reading a book until he goes to bed. At bed time he instructs Brin (called Zim) to stand outside the door throughout the night. Brin sighs and waits outside the door, listening for shenanigans. There is some staff up through the night. A maid turning lamps around the house off before bed, a lord and lady that had to another room, but aside from that not much really

22nd of Haelynir 1545

  In the morning the lord has what looks to be a family breakfast downstairs as Brin continues his vigil. They're talking about their plans for the day. Seeing to businesses they have invested in and such. There seems to be the parents and two sons and three daughters, all of adult age. It's half an hour into this that Idorii comes to relief Brin. Brin heads back to the inn to get some rest.  
Margaret and Ana have some breakfast before heading to the Hall of Blessed Rebirth. On the way Ana tells Margaret about the auction house, while Margaret tells Ana about Brin's new job.   They arrive at the Hall of Blessed Rebirth where Ana and Margaret volunteer their services. They end up helping out with scribing services as they are in the midst of translating different scrolls and tombs. Ana translates and transcribes books modern books, while Margaret gets some older books. They are arcane theory texts for Margaret.   They break for lunch at a restaurant in the midwife area. They talk about the rings and the chariot with the idea of being overheard. A few heads turn their way but not any for the conversation. Then they go back to scribing for the afternoon. Margaret learns from her text:
  • There is still a lot of debate about where sorcerers get their magic.
  • Lots of links to dragons.
  • Theories about the different spectrums of a sorcerer.
  • If these sorcerers never interacted with a dragon, why is their magic of the same level as those who did?
  • Can you be a sorcerer without these outside influences?
  • Bloodlines are taken into consideration and conversations in the book get dark with stealing bloodlines to become a sorcerer.
  • Bloodlines were a thing long before the gods fell and the 7 divine bloodlines now dictate a lot of power on the continent. These bloodlines were not connected to sorcerery but they did have some of what is seen today in the divine bloodlines (longer life, heightened abilities). Some were related to magic. These bloodlines have almost died out.
  • There are rumours of a sage up North near Kvigmar (NW of Shoufal on the Western side of the bay). There is desires to find and study this woman. They want to see if these older Bloodlines follow the same rules.

In the afternoon after waking and getting something to eat, Brin heads to training before going to take over for Idorii. He discusses with his trainer putting it on pause as he has overloaded himself. They are happy for him to stop but he will not be getting any money back.   While taking over for Idorii Brin speaks with Lord Khammayid Okhenti. The man consistently gets Brin's name wrong. Brin clarifies his name. It is becoming more obvious this man looks down on those of Elven kind. Brin starts his overnight watch.  
In the Evening Margaret does a bit of talking up the ring and chariot at the Tooth and Hookah with Ana, hoping to be overheard. They get a lot of interest from the crowd on the ring. After that they relax for the night.

23rd of Haelynir 1545

  Brin's overnight watch uneventful. At breakfast he is taken over by Idorii. He heads back to the inn for breakfast and bed.  
Margaret and Ana have breakfast at 7am. Ana will be staying in her room scribing scrolls for the morning. Margaret will leave to go and try to spread rumours about the items while maybe hearing some. Jamal hands out some coin as the paperwork from the library came back and he sold it to the Hall of Blessed Rebirth. Margaret puts that gold plus some her own towards her debt to the guild for her bastion rooms. Ana does the same with putting the gold towards her debt.   Brin comes to the inn. Jamal immediately talks to him about the gold, but Brin gives Jamal the gold as he paid for the bastion rooms for Brin.  
Margaret heads through the midwife distrist as she makes her way to be in the area of the perfume shop but not being in direct line of sight of the shop. She talks up some of the lots the guild will be offering which gets a lot of interest. She does this until the start of the evening session.  
When Brin wakes up he has an early dinner before heading out to check out the perfume shop. He notices that the shop is not receiving shipments at this time of the day, but their clientele is rather young. Brin plays tourist to try and get information. He learns that the Khinasi people take pride in how they look and smell.  
Margaret spends time shopping for a decently nice dress in the evening. She is directed to Mender's Row. Shoufal dominates the trio of southern sister cities in the creation of finished garments, funerary wrappings, and rugs. Mender's Row-more often referred to as "the Mend" by locals-is the core of Shoufal's textile industry, stretching from the Rising Phoenix dye market for several blocks to the city's only textile mill, run by the Essesh family. Competitive pride keeps several dozen independent weaver's shops churning out quality clothing at a steady pace and in a variety of hues. The Rising Phoenix's technique for creating a distinct reddish-purple dye from the local giant crayfish remains a closely guarded secret of the proprietors.   After securing a nice dress in the reddish-purple dye with a cowl, Margaret heads back towards the perfume shop. Margaret sees Brin in the area after she has used a spell to change her appearance. She subtly messages Brin to alter him that she's in the area and heading into the shop. Brin acknowledges this.   Margaret goes inside and speaks with the owners. One of them take her through their sales pitch for perfume while she keeps an eye for other patrons who seem to be more direct in their purchase habits. The current person with Margaret makes this very difficult. To get around this Margaret feints a tripping motion. This is enough to distract the owner with her so when someone is at the desk she sees a suspicious customer getting something from the other owner at the desk. She magically marks this customer as she allows for the owner to summon an escort to take her somewhere to eat. She messages Brin to let him know to follow that customer.   Brin follows the customer to an apartment complex nearby. He is unable to follow the man to his door. As Brin gets back the shop owner has returned with two Khirdai priests. The priests escort Margaret to the restaurant she had eaten at before near the sunburst market. Brin follows this. After getting Margaret there and she orders, they leave her. Brin joins her when they are gone to fill her in. Afterwards they part ways. Margaret heads back to the inn and changes back into her usual cloths on the way. Brin heads to his night job.  
Brin arrives at the noble's house at 7pm. The doorman tells Brin that the lord is out and is due back at 7:30. Brin waits with the doorman and strikes up a conversation. He learns:
  • The doorman has worked there 4 years.
  • Lord Khammayid Okhenti is the youngest child here and likes to make himself seem important whenever he returns from his studying outside the city.
  • Brin is an accessory and not actually a necessity.
  • The family is going to the auction. Every other child has a betrothed and will be attending with them. Lord Khammayid is not yet betrothed.
  • Lord Khammayid Okhenti does not talk to the help and over the years his friend circle has dropped off in Shoufal.
  • He studies the arcane arts when not at home.
  • Noble children without prospects are often sent off to serve in temples to widen the families influence if they cannot be useful in other ways.
Lord Khammayid returns at 7:30pm as promised. Brin gets permission to talk to Idorii to "debrief" as the lord heads to his study. Brin asks about what the Lord gets up to during the day. Idorii tells him. Nothing fancy. Bookshops and ministerial clubs. Idorii leaves early with Brin's permission. Brin heads up to the study. They have a brief discussion about the auction, thought the noble is very dismissive of everything Brin tries to engage him in before settling in to read and Hookah.

24th of Haelynir 1545

  In the morning Ana and Margaret get breakfast, then they leave to go and help out with setting up the bastion. They briefly cross paths with Brin and discuss some plans for the evening. Brin heads to bed and the girls leave.   Ana asks about the perfume house on the way to the Bastion. Margaret fills Ana in on what they were doing there. When they arrive Selene is in the parlour. Margaret enquires if the girl speaks Draconic, which she does, and fills her in about the sage. Selene shares more about where she is from with Margaret. Date Palm/Jafar are also filled in on all this and the possibility of looking into some stuff for Selene. Date Palm updates the girls on the set up for the bastion. Then the pair start helping out with set up.  
In the afternoon Brin wakes up. He heads over to see the Bastion. He meets Selene in the parlour. They have a quick chat where Brin confirms Margaret is here. He is briefly threatened if he steals or breaks anything by the girl. Brin takes a self guided tour through the building until he finds Margaret in what will be the library. The discuss the Bastion, the Sunrise Fellows and the Auction. They make a plan to scan Lord Khammayid's mind to see if he is the noble from the divinations. Afterwards they all head back to the inn and get some dinner.   They meet up with Ubek and Jamal. Brin catches up with them. Ubek shows the group the runes he has learned on his armour and thieves tools. The group discusses the auction and how they plan to try and draw favourable attention to their items. Then they enjoy dinner.   Brin leaves to go do clothes shopping at Mender's Row before heading off to his night job. Ana and Margaret however go on a secret mission.  
Margaret enquires with Ana about her bounty hunter skills and background. Ana says she can help though it will be harder as this possible buyer of mumia that Margaret had Brin follow the day before. They agree to give it a go and head off to find the building with the directions Brin gave the night before. Ana and Margaret start to case the place.  
Brin takes over Idorii and tries to chat with the noble as he is attempting to read and relax for the night. Brin learns:
  • The noble is reading "Daughters of the Desert: Sands of Time."
  • The noble family's business is renowned for being expert glassblowers, producing exquisite and magical glassware.
  • They are mostly old money.
  • The Lord Khammayid gets an allowance and has no say over what the family does with it's money.
Around 8pm a resident returns to the apartment complex. They follow the person in, talking about a man chatting them up. The person sees them but doesn't call them out for being in the gated space. Margaret knocks on a random door and the man they're looking for answers the door. The man directs her to leave as this is a private space that she shouldn't be in. Margaret pretends to be looking for the woman they had followed in. Upon being told to leave, Margaret does as the man goes to get the woman.   Ana uses her telekinetic abilities to catch the door and head inside. She moves around, searching and trying to find a place that someone might hide drugs. Eventually she finds her way to the study and bedroom. As she finds this space, she hears the man returning. She quickly hides under the bed.   After a while of listening to the man scribe, he goes to bed. Ana waits a little longer before leaving and quietly searching the room. She has to resist the urge to steal from him as she finds cool things but no mumia. She leaves via the back door and leaves the complex.   Margaret had been doing laps of the building. Ana gets her attention and they talk about what happened. They then head back to the inn.

25th of Haelynir 1545

  In the morning Brin stops by the bathhouse on the way to the inn to freshen up.  
Ana and Margaret go to the Hall of Blessed Rebirth in the morning. Mistress Everhand sees them upon request. They discuss what to do if something does happen tonight and what plans are in place. The Neiran priests will be out and about tonight. Their forces throughout the city in case somethings. They will be ensuring people get to safety if something happens.   Margaret confirms that Mistress Everhand knows about what Selene is and where she came from. She gives the pair some extra information about Selene. She is very co-dependant on Date Palm. They also discuss The Sage and Ersheghs. Afterwards they relax for the day and head back to the inn until it is time to go to the auction.  
In the afternoon Brin wakes up and gets ready. They discuss a gameplan for reading the mind of the noble that Brin works for. Then they head off to the auction for a 6pm start. They get the lot list.  
The Catalogue   Scorchblade Scimitar A scimitar with a blade that appears to be made of shimmering heat waves. Starting Bid: 1,800 gold Market Price: 3,500 gold   Sandstep Boots Boots that leave no footprints in the sand, granting advantage on Stealth checks in desert environments. Starting Bid: 1,200 gold Market Price: 2,500 gold   Nomad's Map A magically updating map that reveals hidden oasis locations in the desert. Starting Bid: 700 gold Market Price: 1,200 gold   Sunstone Amulet A pendant containing a magical sunstone that provides light in a 15-foot radius and advantage on saving throws against being blinded. Starting Bid: 500 gold Market Price: 1,000 gold   Desert Rose Oil A rare and aromatic oil harvested from desert roses, used in crafting potions. Starting Bid: 300 gold per vial Market Price: 500 gold per vial   Sandshifter's Cloak A cloak that grants advantage on Dexterity saving throws against sandstorms and similar effects. Starting Bid: 800 gold Market Price: 1,500 gold   Mundane Desert Relics A collection of sand-filled hourglasses, camel bone carvings, and intricately woven desert tapestries. Starting Bid: 150 gold for the set Market Price: 300 gold for the set   Glassblower's Toolkit A high-quality toolkit for crafting glass items, including desert-themed sculptures and glassware. Starting Bid: 400 gold Market Price: 700 gold   Phoenix Feather Quill A writing quill made from a phoenix feather, said to enhance creativity and insight. Starting Bid: 250 gold Market Price: 500 gold   Golden Mirage Painting An exquisite painting depicting a stunning desert mirage, rumored to have magical properties. Starting Bid: 1,000 gold Market Price: 2,000 gold   Dune Strider Boots Boots enchanted to reduce movement restrictions in sandy terrain and grant advantage on Acrobatics checks to avoid sinking in quicksand. Starting Bid: 1,500 gold Market Price: 2,800 gold   Sunfire Elixir A potion that grants resistance to fire damage for one hour and provides advantage on saving throws against heat-related effects. Starting Bid: 600 gold Market Price: 1,200 gold   Sandstorm Lantern A lantern that, when lit, creates a protective barrier against sandstorms in a 30-foot radius. Starting Bid: 800 gold Market Price: 1,500 gold   Cactus Silk Cloak A lightweight cloak made from the fibers of a magical desert cactus, providing resistance to cold damage. Starting Bid: 700 gold Market Price: 1,200 gold   Desert Bloom Seeds Rare seeds that, when planted in sand, grow into vibrant desert flowers with magical properties. Starting Bid: 400 gold per packet Market Price: 700 gold per packet   Serpent's Scale Armor Armor crafted from the scales of desert serpents, offering resistance to poison damage. Starting Bid: 2,000 gold Market Price: 3,500 gold   Whispering Sands Hourglass A decorative hourglass filled with enchanted sand that whispers secrets to the user during meditation. Starting Bid: 300 gold Market Price: 600 gold   Ancestor's Sandstone Talisman A talisman carved from ancient desert sandstone, granting advantage on saving throws against curses. Starting Bid: 500 gold Market Price: 1,000 gold   Dust Devil Quiver A quiver that produces minor dust devils, granting +1 to attack rolls with ranged weapons. Starting Bid: 800 gold Market Price: 1,500 gold   Mystic Mirage Mirror A mirror that, when gazed into, provides glimpses of possible future events in the form of desert mirages. Starting Bid: 1,200 gold Market Price: 2,500 gold   Sandstone Carving Tools High-quality carving tools made from enchanted sandstone, perfect for crafting desert-themed sculptures. Starting Bid: 350 gold Market Price: 600 gold   Mirage Veil A sheer veil that creates illusory mirages, granting advantage on Charisma-based skill checks. Starting Bid: 500 gold Market Price: 1,000 gold   Nomad's Tea Set A set of finely crafted tea utensils made from desert metals, enhancing the flavor of any brewed tea. Starting Bid: 200 gold Market Price: 400 gold   Scorpion Barb Dagger A dagger crafted from a giant scorpion's barb, dealing additional poison damage on successful hits. Starting Bid: 600 gold Market Price: 1,200 gold   Sands of Time Hourglass An hourglass that, when inverted, grants the user the benefits of a short rest in half the usual time. Starting Bid: 1,000 gold Market Price: 2,000 gold   Crimson Mirage Paint Set A set of paints that, when used, creates vivid illusions on canvas resembling desert landscapes. Starting Bid: 400 gold Market Price: 700 gold   Desert Fox Familiar Figurine A figurine that, when activated, summons a desert fox familiar to aid the caster. Starting Bid: 700 gold Market Price: 1,200 gold   Sunstone Lens A small lens made from sunstone that can be attached to a weapon, causing attacks to deal radiant damage. Starting Bid: 500 gold Market Price: 1,000 gold   Wind Whisperer Feather A feather from a mystical desert bird, granting the ability to cast the Gust cantrip at will. Starting Bid: 300 gold Market Price: 600 gold   Djinni's Decanter A decanter containing purified desert air, allowing the user to create a 10-foot cube of breathable air. Starting Bid: 800 gold Market Price: 1,500 gold   Sandsilk Robes Robes woven from enchanted sandsilk that provide advantage on saving throws against enchantment spells. Starting Bid: 1,200 gold Market Price: 2,500 gold   Oasis Stone Amulet An amulet with a small compartment that can hold water, providing the wearer with a source of hydration in the desert. Starting Bid: 400 gold Market Price: 700 gold   Dervish's Dance Dagger A dagger with a hilt adorned with swirling desert motifs, allowing the user to cast Dancing Lights at will. Starting Bid: 600 gold Market Price: 1,200 gold   Sand Sculptor's Handbook A comprehensive guide to crafting intricate sand sculptures and statues. Starting Bid: 250 gold Market Price: 500 gold   Sunsong Lute A lute crafted from desert woods, producing mesmerizing melodies that can soothe aggressive creatures. Starting Bid: 700 gold Market Price: 1,200 gold   Gilded Cobra Scepter A ceremonial scepter topped with a gilded cobra head, providing advantage on Charisma checks in social situations. Starting Bid: 500 gold Market Price: 1,000 gold   Quicksand Vial A vial containing enchanted quicksand that can be thrown to create difficult terrain in a 10-foot radius. Starting Bid: 300 gold Market Price: 600 gold   Desert Songbird Cage A beautifully crafted cage that attracts and calms desert songbirds, providing a sense of tranquility. Starting Bid: 200 gold Market Price: 400 gold   Sunset Shimmer Perfume A rare perfume with a fragrance reminiscent of a desert sunset, granting advantage on Charisma-based checks. Starting Bid: 400 gold Market Price: 700 gold   Eternal Oasis Gem A gemstone enchanted to create a small, everlasting oasis when placed on hot sand. Starting Bid: 1,500 gold Market Price: 3,000 gold
  Talking to people around the event Margaret learns about the following notable people in attendance.
  • Baketra (N female human): One of Shoufal's richest and most notorious gourmands, she's keen to sample forgotten treats or liquors, or purchase ancient artwork to decorate her large dining room.
  • Basiflosep (CG male half-elf): A wealthy coffee merchant and avid document collector hoping to uncover records about his human heritage.
  • Djat Masakhet (N male human ) and Intef Karam (LN female human): Representatives of Shoufal's temple of Sera, the Sanctum of Silver and Gold, looking for unique magic items and lost temple records.
  • The Four Lanterns: A cocksure band of Andurian explorers who participated in the necropolis exploration, and now seek to sell their loot and buy masterwork equipment and practical magic items.
  • Khammayid Okhenti (CN male human): A young scion of the noble Okhenti family, newly returned from his studies in Oppara and eager to find expensive weapons to impress his family.
  • Manaat Heshwah (LE female human): The humorless representative of a Sothis trading house, keen on acquiring furniture, housewares, and pottery.
  • Maru Meshhoten (N female human) and Namaru Meshhoten (NG female human): An aging dowager and her granddaughter, looking for jewelry, clothing, and scandalous books and scrolls.
  • Menya the Whip (CG male human): Rail-thin and with an iron handshake, this ambitious young armorsmith is attending the auction to network, though he's also looking for a curious centerpiece for his new armor shop.
  • Ptemenib (N male human): Polite but distracted, Ptemenib is attending the auction as the Grand Mausoleum's representative. The priest has a tendency to talk to himself when no one is looking.
Ana and Margaret try to find out some rumours that are around.   Ana hears - "Rather nice to see the Neiran Priests on board with this auction. At least we'll know these relics are real. You can't trust the veracity of just anything up for sale, no matter how old it looks. A group calling themselves the Silver Chain took me for a fortune on a 'Second Age' chest last year. It looked ancient enough, but it turned out the damned thing had only survived a house fire in Ariya." Brin hears - "Some of the adventurers who went into the necropolis didn't fare so well, from what I hear. They say the Sunrise Fellows were betrayed by one of their own, and some shady low lifes ambushed the Scorched Hand while they were trying to leave the necropolis."
Mummy's Mask
Anastriel Breeze
Chaotic Good Half-Elf (Secret Background)
Warlock 2
20 / 20 HP
Jamal Silvermarch
Report Date
29 Dec 2023


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