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A pseudodragon are a small dragon-kin known to be playful but shy. Pseudodragons are not true dragons.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

Pseudodragons inhabited temperate forests in the wild, but they could often be found as familiars in nearly any environment.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Their general attitude was similar to that of a small cat but with a cunning intelligence. Pseudodragons loved to hunt vermin and small animals for food. They were wary of evil beings, but were willing to serve as a companion to another being if treated well and respected.

Additional Information


They are known to be used as pets and some wizards use them as familiars.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

  • Blindsight 10ft
  • Darkvision 60 ft
  • Telepathy 100 ft - but only simple ideas or emotions
  • Their tail has a stinger that is poisonious
Average Weight
7 lbs
Average Length
1 foot long with a 2 foot long tail, meaning a total of 3 foot long.
Geographic Distribution


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