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The Swordhawk

Lord Karl Bissel (a.k.a. The Swordhawk)

The Swordhawk is the ultimate predator. He has been transformed into an eight foot winged humanoid monster. Originally one of the Gorgon's favored assassins, he slew the ruling family of Massenmarch and took its rulership, after his participation in the destruction of Kiergard. However, while he is very cunning and scheming, he is prone to rages of irrational violence that have been detrimental to many of his long-term plans.   The Swordhawk preferred prey is blooded adventurers, though he'll settle for large game. In combat, he prefers ambushes conducted as surprise diving attacks. He uses his superior speed and skill to the greatest advantage, often employing hit-and-run techniques against multiple foes that could harm him. He wields a large sabre +1 and uses his beak in combat, however his most deadly weapon is his dagger. The dagger, Heart Spike, is what he always makes his killing blow with, often much sooner than the victim expects. It acts as a nine-lives stealer (no charges) when struck through the heart. He suspects that his treasure is storing extra bloodline strength that he steals with it, though he's not sure what this means or how to access it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Karl Bissel towers over most men, at over 8 ft. He has large black feathered wings and his head is that of a large black hawk.

Apparel & Accessories

Wearing special silver and black armour crafted to fit his body, he is dreadfully impressive to behold and screeches can often be heard from him while hunting, especially in the mountains of Massenhode.   He wields a large sabre +1.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

A planar refugee, the Swordhawk started as a royal assassin for the last king of Massenmarch. He was used to eliminate rebellious nobles and political enemies.   At least one of his victims had a bloodline of Azrai and he was cursed by the foul divine blood and began the transformation in an awnshegh.


He is currently the ruler of Massenmarch, but previously he was just a killer for hire.

Personality Characteristics


The Swordhawk is ruthless, pragmatic, and driven. He has repeatedly clashed with his neighbors in Kiergaard, the Vampire's Hold, and his forces have battled the fleets of Muden and the Zweilunds in the Great Bay. To his people the Swordhawk is said to be distant, pitiless, but not overly cruel - Massenmarch's people may be heavily taxed and rigidly controlled, but the Swordhawk has no interest in random terror, the vast majority of his people will never drawn his notice, and both he and they prefer it that way.   The Swordhawk is presumed to want to rule a sizable empire, with only bad luck and powerful enemies stopping him. Certainly as an acknowledged master tactician and awnshegh few expect him to be content with what he has. The Swordhawk speaks to none however, famously shunning the sages that sought to create the ultimate summary of knowledge on the awnsheghlien with the result that he was relegated to little more than a footnote in their annals - less even than the fabled Boar of Thuringode which has mindlessly rampaged across his land on several occasions. Some however argue for different motives - to return to humanity some say, to found a dynasty others.
Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Black feathers
8 ft
Known Languages
Brecht, Arakocra and Auran
Ruled Locations


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