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Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Inira, Winda, Taji, Bakari, and Nadria

Masculine names

Jamba, Faraji, Sultan, Daudi, and Azizi

Family names

Abara, Eesuola, Kenyatta, Mensah, and Nenge


Shared customary codes and values

The Karitorian Code

The Karitorian Code is an ancient unwritten law and rules for war. Once, the Karitorians was a savage people, and the Clans always were at war. According to this code, it was forbidden to attack the home of the Clans, in order to continue the war: the Women and children were coded to never be a part of the conflicts.   Since the Karitorians always in desperate need of soldiers, some of the biggest clans created a feminism camp, no woman is ever married, and no woman is to be put to harm. The woman gets pregnant, moves to a breastfeeding section where no man ever permits to enter. When the child is no longer needs breastfeeding, the child is moved to the children's sector, where the women switch to take care of the children, together. When the child becomes a teenager, she is moved to one camp, and he to another. Boys learn strict discipline and the way of the sword. Girls are evaluated, the once chosen sents to women's first camp to become Mothers in “Fattening Room”, and the girls not to be chosen is sent to work section, where the boys who are not strong enough is. There the week boys and the unchosen girls are headed they learn craftsmanship, and some week boys with great intelligence get the second chance to join the army, as rouges. Even girls with high intelligence can be rogues, but they are few ever selected. Most of these rouge girls and boys become shifters. Only Warriors and Rouges are allowed to mate with Mothers.   But some clans marry couples with blood bonding.

Common Etiquette rules

Everyone needs to bow to a present Mother if she ever leaves the Mothers section. If a man enters the Mothers section without permission he faces execution on the spot. If he has permission, he is escorted by one of the Counsel.  

The Counsel

The Counsel is a group of old Mothers, selected by the mothers. When a woman is unable to give birth, she is moved to either the Work section or the Counsel depending on her performance. A Counsel member is required to have had ten children during her lifetime and is also required to pass the wisdom test.   The Counsel evaluates young new girls if they are going to be mothers or workers. They also evaluate who of the soldiers or rouge males are going to get the honor of impregnating one of the Mothers, so that the Clan can live on. The Counsel also takes major desitions when the Clan chieftain is at war.  

The Cheiftain

the Cheiftain is tested once every fourth year in close combat. If anyone challenges the chieftain and wins, the winner becomes the new chieftain. Only the strongest Warrior can be the Chieftain. The Chieftain can, however, be challenged if the Clan thinks he made a bad decision or did something that would brand him as a coward. If the former Chieftain wins the duel, he would then not considered a coward for that issue.

Common Dress code

A woman, rouge, crafter or Mother is proud of her bust. She shows it due to the culture sayings. A woman not showing her bust is not proud to be a woman.   The men wear loincloth in their clan's colors.


Beauty Ideals

True Karitorian beauty is about taking pride in your own body. In Karitos the big phenomena are about being curvaceous, thus implying your sensuality as a woman. Karitorian beauty is captured through the ethnic traditions that emphasize how one should embrace the human form with body adornment and ornamentation.  

Big is good

Traditional Karitorian beauty celebrates a woman’s curvy yet voluptuous figure. In Karitos it is normal for some girls to be “fattened up” before she is married. The young woman is sent to the “Fattening Room” where she is isolated from her village during the very private affair. She is expected to put one as many pounds as possible, so she is not allowed to do any physical work except eat as much as she can. She is usually assigned her own attendant and room. The young woman’s room consists of a single bare bamboo bed and area to take care of her personal hygiene. It is here where she taught to be a good Mother in catering to her Clan’s needs and caring for children. Most Karitorian Clans still have their warrior sense, even a woman could be a warrior.    

Body painting

Body Painting is one of the oldest art forms in Karitos. Evidence of this long-standing art has been discovered in rock engravings and Karitorian caves. Body painting is a traditional form of body adornment that celebrates the human form. The very essence of this body art is “life-affirming, transforming, spontaneous, and a signature of being alive”. It can be used for decoration, but also it can display to others an imprinted message emerging from various patterns and designs on one’s body. This message can convey one’s availability, status, and position within a society or one’s tribe. Oil, clay, chalk, and plant products are typically used to create the various colors and textures needed.

Gender Ideals

Traditionally the men are warriors and farmers, and females bake the bread. But there are exceptions.

Major organizations

The religious life of Karitos resolved around the code until some Elves came to Karitos in 640 AF preaching about another religion. A Religion in the present day, almost 100 years after still not accepted in Eldercrest. The Children of Compassion. The Belief that it is only one God and one helper astonished some of the Karitorian Clans. The new religion started a new internal conflict between the clans still keeping the Code and the Clans who had embraced the new ideas. Karitos slowly turned to the new Southen Republic in summer 705 AF.


Karitorian Woman
Picture of a proud Karitorian Mother

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