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Dragons are, perhaps, the most fearsome intelligent species on Chaia. They are endowed with incredible magical abilities, rugged protective scales, wickedly sharp claws, powerful breath weapons, and more than enough cunning to use all of these abilities to their full effect.   An entire age, the Age of Flames, was defined by the reign of the Dragon Kings, during which dragons ruled the majority of the continent without question.

Basic Information


Dragons have four limbs for walking, a tail, and two wings for flying.   Dragons are divided into two subcategories: chromatic and metallic. The two subcategories can be distinguished by the color and sheen of their scales. Chromatic dragons have colored scales, red, white, blue, black, and green among the shades they can take. Metallic dragons have scales which appear, as their name would suggest, metallic, appearing similar in hue and sheen to bronze, copper, brass, gold, or silver.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragons lay eggs which must incubate for nearly a century before hatching. During this time, the eggs intermittently give off great bursts of magical energy, which can be seen by some mages at distances approaching 2,000 miles.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The divide between chromatic and metallic dragons here is stark.   Metallic dragons view the other races of Chaia as children who have not matured morally, magically, or intellectually to the point of being treated like adults. While metallic dragons would never hurt a human or halfling, they are also reticent in offering help, viewing even the greatest of mortal problems the way one might consider a small rip in an unknown child's fourth favorite stuffed animal, as insignificant.   Chromatic dragons, on the other hand, view the mortal races as pests and a disease. They see no reason to let any two-legged monkey live, not when such things were the cause of so many dragon deaths. Chromatic dragons do care about human life; they care about seeing it snuffed out. They view the other races of Chaia much the same way the Irish would view the parasite that eats potatoes, or the way all of Europe would view rats carrying the Bubonic plague.
Scientific Name
draco magnus sapiens
It is not known if dragons die of old age.

Cover image: by azgaar


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