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The Drakman culture is interesting. It isn't so much a ethnicity as it is a shared remembrance of the oppression of the Dragon Kings. The Drakman people is still recovering from their subjugation, though no one alive remembers those days. Primarily human, there are some elves, and dwarves who fall under the Drakman culture group. There is, however, a bold line dividing the Drakman from the races the dragons used as slave and infantry fodder, like the goblins and the orcs. This is at least partially due to the lingering effects of the system the Dragon Lords enforced wherein races that they viewed as more helpful in administrative affairs were allowed to view themselves as superior to the more menial of the races.   Drakman names tend to follow very strict structures, a legacy of the days when the Dragon Kings got tired of having to work to remember the names of mere humans.   A member of the Drakman culture is Drakmanish.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Gael, Creyl, Seyr, Leynt, Lier, Claw, Tha, Ten, La, La, Maeld, Laem, Rdar, Than, Rand, Brand, Meyph, Yiess, Kaej, Rder, Chrin, Swe, Pel, Ryn, Whach, Naen, Sad, Sien, Lla, Ras, Cer, Nnyr, Raef, Cent, Rick, Ma, Der, Treys, Ceyf, Deyck, La, Deyd, Daet, Ta, Lies, Riec, Ta, Phid, Derr, Kat, Thael, Drir, Viet, Neyt, La, Byc, Faey, Ce, Bre, Tad, Ceyt, Rran, Reym, Phin, Lef, Ne, Mel, La, Ca, Pid, Ces, Piy, Teym, Ler, Qyc, Reyr, Ha, Tenn, Ba, Ya, Qualt, Gel, Ke, Niel, Lyx, Laen, Piet, Sneyl, Laen, Zep, Liend, Rhigh, Cheh, Nit, Ka, Bif, Be, Rhec, Fis, Ceb, Sas, Heyph, Liem, Snalt, Ckeb, Gith, Fied, Llan, Reyr, Saech, Neynn, Zied, Weyr, De, Shew, Ya, Sheyn, Lieh, Sig B(a|e)|B(ae|ie|ey)c|B(a|e|i)C|c(ae|ie|ey)C|C(a|e|y)c

Masculine names

Laoc, Raow, Nu, Ndir, Ltix, Blorr, Bout, Rtux, Thrum, Doum, Cu, Choph, Foym, Rtum, Tho, Noul, Hu, Lis, Dount, Haoh, Clik, Cro, Vour, Lof, Huyh, Koun, Coul, Nuyj, Duz, Tu, Ru, Raov, Kuyl, Royd, Ro, Foug, Sok, Rhil, Co, Raoss, Noyk, Lout, Cho, Nir, Go, Co, Hoyn, Co, Lov, Lun, Wuv, Koun, Doyq, Din, Zoum, Nu, Ltuh, Hoyp, Clir, Croum, Xoyrr, Voylt, Stit, Blu, Llon, Blo, Toap, Huld, Chouj, Raod, Raos, Bloax, Loak, Chin, Royc, Poyd, Caom, Fout, So, Nouk, Daom, Sond, Smoax, Bru, Cip, Louck, Koc, Co, Kouck, Su, Voup, So, Blon, Kuyr, Zoar, To, Laon, Blu, Doh, Llu, Doah, Naoc, Faoss, Nuys, Mov, Nur, Zil, Nug, Baop, Hoak, Po, Soy, Zaoph, Ko, Rouk, Lu, Duyb, Raord, Shil B(o|u)|B(ou|oa|uy)c|B(o|u|i)C|c(ou|ao|oy)C|C(o|u|i)c

Family names

Tald, Ticiney, Rick, Duvold, Niacbels, Zhidnyh, Dis, Chylttia, Mab, Minn, Raibserl, Zausbanr, Zynser, Buhenl, Waitisl, Firr, Kannbur, Nig, Hand, Thesny, Traetsert, Kic, Nukund, Dan, Fod, Veh, Nnider, Fush, Lunn, Noohimf, Ldaten, Farrem, Dynbel, Yill, Ront, Laetits, Dasild, Joobkimh, Lylltas, Phaivserr, Doidkimj, Relemy, Goibelmn, Nod, Suf, Seph, Nidinel, Cir, Rastum, Yib, Xyh, Feutkelr, Ciyengf, Gaucoughg, Nteyhin, Nell, Tearard, Nectaiz, Cefen, Shaeboml, Struilurnn, Rtishald, Tuzvor, Peydgarn, Tirt, Dul, Tess, Meg, Phihdan, Nyld, Fuxach, Kut, Fodalds, Bek, Ceysdenr, Ghizdel, Stiwaleb, Loghdan, Dautages, Rondem, Xaph, Lirr, Stalim, Lus, Rymcerl, Coegaughl, Pheukend, Rdydque, Lleyxtherk, Sem, Xov, Kinuskg, Zhiahightt, Clerechb, Veeselmd, Gil, Leumeml, Dyvroth, Sadeldn, Gaifumr, Giy, Sleynkalg, Voimashk, Sisshat, Miqor, Yut, Fen, Nnetpol, Vym, Rozvesw, Zisdelt, Magche, Sowiss, Gottur, Nashas, Nith, Rhoylort, Ponuntd, Noocperl CvCs|cvC|BVcsc


Major language groups and dialects

While the nobility and the clergy still use Draconic for formal matters, the vulgar language is Drakmanish. Drakmanish a rhythmic and nasal language. It uses an abjad writing system, with characters composed of slashes, half-circles, and flowing lines.

Common Etiquette rules

The Drakmanish never eat alone or in private, they always eat communal meals. They typically eat with forks. Common main dishes for the Drakmanish include: sweet slow-roasted beaver meat with cinnamon and salt, aromatic and bitter deep fried goose eggs with salt and cinnamon, sour and salty stewed gizzard shad, aromatic and savory deep fried muskellunge stew with salt and cinnamon Common desserts include: lime pudding, barley cakes, and rice pudding. The most common alcoholic beverages are: very strong millet beer made with lemon that's dark, weak millet ale made with lime and cinnamon that is foamy, blueberry wine made with blueberry and lemon that's light pink.

Common Dress code

A Drakmanish man typically wears a sleeveless shirt, wide pantaloons, and tall boots. Full circle cloaks are donned during the cooler seasons. A Drakmanish woman typically wears a sleeveless dress, fingerless gloves, boots, and sashes. During the winter months, women wear long cloaks.Typically Drakmanish wear colors corresponding to the hues of the dragons of long ago: blue, green, red, black, and white are all common. Jewelry, similarly, tends to eschew jewels and instead is comprised of simple bands of brass, bronze, copper, silver, and gold.

Art & Architecture

Buildings have walls made of heavy wooden boards with large decorative arches, and roofs are flat and made of ceramic tiles. Doors are made of light wood and rounded on top. Windows are small and ornate. For decoration, wealthier houses and communal buildings often have small pools just outside. Common instruments include: lime-wood heavy drum skinned with beaver hide
by Lokmanamca
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Cover image: by azgaar


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