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The Duland people are the ruling people group in the Onerian Theocracy. They are the fourth most populous people group on Chaia. Living for centuries under the rule of the Aj'Snaga lizard people, the Duland broke free when a prophet came forth with righteous power to defend the humans of Oneria.   Someone of the Duland people is called Dulish.   The Dulish speak Onerian. Onerian is a breathy language. It uses an ideographic writing system, with characters composed of circles, angular lines, and half-loops. The sample phrase "Hello! It is good to see you, friend." in Onerian is said "vechze! Hak vig hihsap zheshðach chit, zheg. "

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Menna, Sharifa, Buse, Hanife, Sadaf, Rukiye, Şukriye, Dilay, Zaray, Ruba, Sevim, Lubna, Semra, Aysel, Hana, Amel, Yıldız, Zakiah, Hayfa, Ihsan, Naseem, Thana, Raisa, Jameela, Ashraqat, Gözde, Fatma, Yıldız, Filiz, Ikraam, Samar, Fatoş, Basira, Damla, Gonca, Bushra, Belma, Hadya, Nehir, Fajr

Masculine names

Ata, Mansur, Çelik, Sulaiman, Nur, Vahid, Hüseyn, Nesim, Alpaslan, Münir, Ansar, Yılmaz, Ziya, ur-Rahman, Junaid, Erkan, Galip, Faruk, Soner, Ensar, Tariq, Ihsan, Fadil, Kemal, Berat, Egemen, Abd, al-Karim, Erdem, Yusif, Fadil, Mansur, Samed, Refik, Hurşit, Kaan, Osman, Anwar, Anıl, Ghulam, Tahmid, 'Ali

Family names

Ben-zshy, Ar-thrbanurn, Ar-thves, Ar-yimton, Ar-renthem, Ben-fathir, Ar-hserild, Ben-tburves, Ben-rnal, Ben-qutin, Ben-rad, Ar-strat, Ar-than, Ar-llrak, Ar-rawdan, Ar-saldild, Ar-qurisiss, Ben-phim, Ben-ntan, Ben-cquaen, Ben-slatim, Ar-laldcer, Ben-lawdel, Ar-dage, Ben-bris, Ben-brurn, Ar-swqua, Ben-lpolbel, Ben-phtassam, Ben-stai, Ar-strack, Ben-crgarust, Ben-kath, Ben-lenrad, Ben-welmque, Ben-nrayon, Ar-hend, Ar-sheld, Ben-lhincer, Ben-fny, Ar-schight, Ar-shpolril, Ben-hper, Ar-quarmos, Ben-dburray, Ar-trpol, Ben-wtonpol, Ben-nkimther, Ar-jurnler, Ben-rrisvor, Ar-llmos, Ben-bray, Ar-yadat, Ar-bltasas, Ben-zhawsam, Ar-ltia, Ben-pmor, Ar-rawser, Ben-siss, Ben-zhris, Ben-rhqua, Ben-brosit, Ben-thrdar, Ar-ves, Ben-tpolis, Ar-stquedan, Ben-clgha, Ar-noughrod, Ar-dom, Ben-quitkal, Ar-kryn, Ar-zhusk, Ben-sard, Ben-mlor, Ben-roughbel, Ben-shum, Ar-wyer, Ben-cwar, Ar-schale, Ar-drtasrad, Ar-rhet, Ar-stremlye, Ben-phverdan, Ben-nom, Ben-lcheran, Ben-trper, Ben-zhkin, Ben-quhon, Ben-sroth, Ar-ktin, Ar-cdenshy, Ben-zquever, Ar-sinaum, Ben-shenom, Ben-zheld, Ben-lunt, Ben-thrler, Ben-zhtur, Ar-lar, Ben-testight, Ben-rhpolran, Ar-nalear, Ben-swtin, Ben-shtiator, Ben-srod, Ben-smoldsay, Ar-chbeltan, Ben-smler, Ben-sengunt, Ben-swarnal, Ben-mny, Ben-treron, Ben-threldend, Ben-suntper, Ben-shin, Ben-zhtoner, Ar-dadess, Ben-nild, Ar-drunt


Common Etiquette rules

Common main dishes for the Thachfebish include aromatic and spicy broiled leek, sour and sweet lightly fried green beans, salty and spicy broiled bok choy with sage, cilantro, and parsley, and spicy and aromatic broiled beet soup. Common desserts include: lemon pudding, raspberry pudding, boysenberry pudding, mango pudding, avocado pudding, and lots of fresh fruit. The most common alcoholic beverages are: very strong millet liquor made with galangal that's pale green in color, millet beer that's dark, and very strong oat liquor that's clear

Common Dress code

Dulish men typically wear tunics with no sleeves, baggy breeches, boots, and decorative caps. Dulish women typically wear dresses with long sleeves and buckled boots.   Common colors include pastel grey, light orange, and light blue. Decoration tends towards feather decorations.   The Dulish don't wear much jewelry. On the few formal occasions when they do, typically they wear nickel necklaces set with opals.

Art & Architecture

Buildings have walls made of carved stone painted with bright colors, and roofs are flat and made of stone tiles. Doors are made of thin wood and narrow. Windows are medium and square. For decoration, wealthier houses and communal buildings often have small pools just outside.   Common instruments include: papaya-wood twin flute trimmed with lime-wood, papaya-wood drums made with a fiber skin.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Almost all Dulish are followers of Sarenrae. They typically gather at shrines for worship.
by Hatteeho
Encompassed species

Cover image: by azgaar


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