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The Khazadur dwarves are a stubborn lot. They are the dwarves who founded Magibe. They rule in Magibe, but also live in Gizad, Jabama, and Merk.   Someone who's culture is Kazadur is called Khazaduri.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Nalkinar, Ranbelden, Wheashin, Suloughan, Atuskest, Eninaon, Seonend, Senche, Stripom, Adaletor, Daedend, Girrak, Thrivoria, Chacheim, Lerqueser, Beardsul, Tiaphdan, Anchegar, Droildard, Llooqund, Criathech, Risadsam, Droquawor, Beuten, Turrilper, Alelyetan, Midelund, Tainaess, Daygdyn, Launnos, Zurynsay, Deuskden, Diemon, Vorrothden, Quoerelm, Naluskmor, Lerskeleld, Calerny, Driadris, Viamor, Fahinban, Tratas, Kessay, Stoldves, Shieykel, Mooghang, Saerrad, Sadmor, Hetanang, Noolshy, Enthumeng, Smundat, Throoltad, Tastordan, Rothtiale, Lutaiban, Diachver, Elmtaiser, Breecheng, Taiormsul, Jibanusk, Vaerdgha, Untlerdyn, Tielris, Nuturia, Snyadskel, Roosir, Loorum, Bardra, Thrayrraugh, Whailtest, Therimis, Saildler, Driesat, Cheroddar, Theidunt, Worissem, Soesine, Untmorkal, Skelcerser, Snounttai, Kyelmgha, Belperom, Shyturkel, Onenis, Ustdrad, Criranos, Serangsul, Smeyrrdra, Raechper, Quoullon, Hyundale, Vorimon, Clurisrad, Snopolkel, Samtaspol, Kelvesler, Blaibusk, Bruimnys, Liashqua, Neumrak, Rihatiss, Hinoldroth, Manaler, Dukalcer, Tassersam, Rutbel, Naltanen, Sultherim, Rindel, Luvas, Sulnalem, Sneencha, Blonnmos, Dradrack, Noubald, Blaghther, Tianem, Lundia

Masculine names

Toisem, Itelmest, Thrulyeem, Feannsay, Nihpol, Setonver, Nairves, Awdyntin, Kiaghryn, Kiackban, Nayftor, Raisseld, Hataldlye, Bryonmos, Laradgar, Blantur, Wignys, Whuiaenth, Pigartor, Itaughkin, Tounaw, Onustath, Issinaia, Nouzsam, Nehinit, Dryzdan, Quathon, Whyveswar, Horilbur, Achpolund, Ustirche, Zheyswar, Strydyness, Selban, Hiausk, Achworund, Turackeng, Imhaturn, Leintlor, Vaghdyn, Zhuimser, Lidrait, Fainesay, Usttorald, Voldar, Awomtai, Tarskel, Belumroth, Ustostia, Zhokold, Dieckenth, Tasdenorm, Heurrkim, Hirom, Fiechvor, Slyechris, Mosengsay, Yoigray, Engskeleng, Chreeshash, Elmverrod, Rayrdnal, Chaquaest, Neyllque, Ightundis, Lineund, Rhailttas, Raloris, Lyeardage, Llemosnys, Ingashet, Faylyer, Jaomorm, Danimald, Sukimend, Giesryn, Issradden, Omagegha, Enthtaigha, Condad, Taituraugh, Viessech, Enchawor, Jumsul, Boosom, Whaulddel, Rigarcer, Waerten, Coingald, Triaworm, Athdaran, Struirdel, Saerting, Worrayris, Swoveran, Cahonang, Shustrak, Choigash, Geymaw, Torgarton, Ridgha, Sheypold, Croturusk, Ageyerech, Buirdden, Kurayban, Polachtor, Wawim, Quycheald, Toimgha, Rebanack, Blorancha, Swygess, Laustin, Bloegold, Ageathem, Emensam, Nyachad, Piesswor

Family names

Frostchest, Cragsage, Goldwit, Goldborn, Rubychest, Cragborn, Silverhead, Bedrockbeard, Cragchest, Ironwit, Stonechest, Mountainwit, Stonebender, Earthbrain, Cavebeard, Bedrockborn, Rockbrain, Stonehammer, Frosthouse, Drakebrain, Rocktongue, Ironwit, Earthouse, Goldgut, Goldtongue, Mountainbreaker, Stonehall, Stoneborn, Stonehammer, Drakebender, Silverbender, Craghead, Drakebeard, Rubyhouse, Frostborn, Bedrockchest, Silverhead, Mountainhouse, Frostgut, Cavegut, Goldbreaker, Rubycrafter, Drakehammer, Metalchest, Rockbeard, Bedrockbrain, Frostgut, Metalhead, Mountainbeard, Cragbelt, Bedrockcrafter, Mountainwit, Silverbelt, Ironbeard, Metalborn, Chaincrafter, Ironborn, Rubywit, Goldear, Goldbender, Rockcrafter, Metalbreaker, Frostear, Frostchest, Cragsage, Rubyhead, Bedrockborn, Bedrockhead, Goldbender, Cavetongue, Stonehead, Earthbelt, Drakegut, Ironborn, Silvercrafter, Goldhall, Goldhammer, Cavegut, Rockhall, Frostbelt, Drakebreaker, Chainheart, Stonehammer, Cavetongue, Bedrocktongue, Metalhouse, Mountainhall, Frostsage, Earthtongue, Bedrockhall, Frostsage, Rockchest, Chaingut, Bedrockhammer, Metalbeard, Bedrockhammer, Bedrockwit, Earthear, Metalgut, Goldbrain, Ironchest, Cavehouse, Bedrockheart, Stonewit, Bedrockhall, Drakechest, Goldtongue, Goldhouse, Bedrockgut, Earthbelt, Goldwit, Cavehouse, Goldcrafter, Bedrockhouse, Rubybreaker, Mountainbreaker, Mountainwit, Stonehouse, Stonecrafter   <(Stone)|(Rock)|(Gold)|(Silver)|(Ruby)|(Earth)|(Metal)|(Iron)|(Mountain)|(Crag)|(Cave)|(Bedrock)|(Drake)|(Frost)|(Chain)><(bender)|(gut)|(born)|(belt)|(breaker)|(hammer)|(beard)|(house)|(crafter)|(chest)|(wit)|(tongue)|(ear)|(head)|(brain)|(sage)|(heart)|(hall)>


Major language groups and dialects

The Khazadur speak Dwarven, though they have a noticeably distinct accent when compared to the Duraenn.

Common Etiquette rules

When dining with Khazaduri, it is important to remember to thank the cook after one has finished eating, even if the cook is not present. The Khazaduri don't waste time with utensils, preferring to eat with their hands.   Common main dishes for the Khazaduri include sour and pungent curried duck with cinnamon and salt, spicy and salty curried lamb soup, savory and pungent basted duck soup, sour and spicy curried horse, sour and sweet basted donkey Common desserts include: blueberry pudding, blackberry pie The most common alcoholic beverages are: strong blueberry brandy made with salt that's amber in hue, very strong wheat beer made with salt that is black, very strong blueberry wine made with cinnamon that is pale yellow.

Common Dress code

A Khazaduri man typically wears a robe with no sleeves, mittens, a full-circle cloak, and boots with thick soles. A Kazaduri woman typically wears a sleeveless dress, mittens, an ankle-length coat, short boots, and a gilded belt with a narrow clasp.   Common colors include pastel blue, dark grey, and white. Decoration tends towards complex embroidery. For jewelry, some of the following are common: simple orichalcum anklets set with diamonds for the women, and lustrous orichalcum rings adorned with diamonds for the men.

Art & Architecture

Buildings have walls made of thick bricks with small decorative arches near the roof, and roofs are flat and made of wooden tiles. Doors are made of thick wood and curved on top. Windows are large and round. For decoration, geometric shapes are carved into the trim.   Common instruments include: spruce-wood long flute trimmed with gold, tin heavy drum skinned with wool, nickel long flute trimmed with silver
by Unknown
Encompassed species

Cover image: by azgaar


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