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Nelrointh was one of the two greatest gods of the dragons, along with Froitruk. When Froitruk was killed and the War of Thorns began, Nelrointh found a way to circumvent the contract that has bound all gods from The Beginning, and descend to Chaia physically. His presence at the head of the dragons allowed the Dragon Kings to rise and become the dominant force on the continent. Though Nelrointh was unable to stay physically present at all times, as he needed to participate in the War of Thorns to forestall suspicion of his activities on Chaia, he used powerful magics behind the scenes to bring the dragons to power and keep them there. For the entire Age of Flames, as the rest of the gods fought the War of Thorns, Nelrointh and the Dragon Kings he appointed ruled supreme on the surface of Chaia. That all changed when Queen Annali slew Nelrointh at the end of a momentous battle. Nelrointh hadn't believed that a mere human could mortally wound him, and had been reckless in his attack, leading to his death and the destruction of his earthly empire. In the aftermath of his death, the gods were shocked that they had been so blind to his activities on Chaia.

Divine Domains

War, Fire
Divine Classification
3000 0 3000 years old
Circumstances of Death
Nelrointh's death sent shockwaves through the divine realm, as it was the first known time that a mortal slew a god.

Cover image: by azgaar


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