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Rogue is a catch-all term that is used to describe those with the broad skill sets associated with thieves, assassins, and tricksters. Though not every rogue is a criminal, and white-hat rogues are a well-paid group, there is a general distrust against those who can pick a pocket as easily as they can peel a potato.



Most rogues learn their skills on the streets and/or from experience, without any formal education and often without any mentor either. The only qualification for being a rogue is being good at it, not how you developed the skills.

Career Progression

Typically rogues start off pulling off small jobs and gradually work their way upward. There is no defined career progression, however, just as their are no qualifications. The only thing that matters is how skilled you are.


Social Status

Even white-hats are typically looked down upon by upstanding members of society. In order to develop their abilities, there are very few rogues who haven't broken the law on one occasion or another.
Alternative Names
Crooks, thieves, criminals, assassins, rakes
There is a decent demand for white-hat rogues, those who can identify weaknesses that a hostile rogue might exploit.
White-hat rogues are strictly regulated and organized in guilds which are held to a high standard by law officials. Rogues outside of these guilds are typically criminals. There is some allowance for rogues within adventurer's guild to ply their trade in specific circumstances, such as disarming traps, but they will still typically be arrested if such activities are discovered and deemed unallowable.

Cover image: by azgaar


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