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The Rylan people have been divided and weak ever since Elod Manalle fell in battle.   A member of the Rylan people is Rylanian. The Rylan people speak Rylani.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Imma, Maria, Josep, Alba, Remei, Joana, Montse, Àngela, Meritxell, Ariadna, Queralt, Marta, Abril, Victòria, Montserrat, Sara, Natàlia, Anaïs, Elisabet, Rosa, Berta

Masculine names

Elod, Cesc, Mateu, Agustí, Nil, Tomàs, Raimon, Roc, Jofre, Donat, Francesc, Isaac, Àngel, Roger, Andreu, Aleix, Josep, Maria, Raül, Blai, Climent, Víctor

Family names

Manalle, Holianei, Jalionoo, Sanalloe, Lalianou, Clulioni, Sanalli, Milionui, Jilionie, Leliona, Wulianoe, Schylionay, Phelioni, Struliono, Swalione, Trenalloe, Henalla, Yinallae, Danallie, Taliana, Noliani, Ylionae, Saliane, Fylioni, Loliono, Telionea, Fenalli, Yalionea, Kalionoe, Philionia, Llunallei, Holiany, Wynallui, Vilianey, Tranallou, Tulionou, Smuliani, Tolianea, Dinallee, Thrynalloo, Whunallou, Malionei, Stralioni, Soliane, Yilianei, Telianoo, Renallu, Snanalle, Salianea, Lanalloi, Canallo, Roliona, Binally, Kalione, Branalli, Vilione, Nalianui, Snoliane, Drulianey, Ninalla, Synalla, Bilionei, Gelianei, Runalle, Wholianou, Malianay, Swanalla, Henallu, Miliane, Whalianei, Winally, Neliane, Swulianie, Kynalli, Thronallo, Lulionae, Blylianoo, Lolianai, Tulionoe, Lonallui, Bryliane, Rolione, Snylionae, Quenallee, Nelioneu, Lulianee, Trunalloi, Blelianu, Binalle, Lylioneu, Stynalle, Nolionia, Schulianoi, Ralianui, Whonallea, Loliany, Thrynallay, Smeliane, Donalli, Snuliania, Rylioni, Threlionu, Whinallae, Schalionea, Lilianey, Kenallu, Swaliana, Swynalla, Swiliona, Trylianui, Blylianay, Saliany, Paliona, Dulionai, Kelianea, Minalley, Schilionea, Yoliania, Pilianee, Claliania


Shared customary codes and values

Among the Rylan, partly because of the values of the god Ebloisdil, and partly because of the legacy of Elod Manalle, there is an expectation that orphans are cared for by the military establishment. The Rylan believe that war is the largest creator of orphans, and it is the responsibility of those who wage war to care for orphans.   Another custom is the gesture involving raising one hand upward with an open palm and then closing the hand to a fist. Done in response to the offer of a handshake, this gesture signifies that the gesturing party harbors no ill-will to the other party, but also refuses the handshake.

Common Etiquette rules

The Rylan typically eat everything with spoons. They also don't serve anything hot. The best you can ask for is a bit warmer than room temperature. Typical meals include: savory and sour stewed yam stew, sweet and sour baked beaver meat soup, pungent and spicy lightly fried mudhen soup, pungent and spicy baked potato with cinnamon and salt, pungent and sweet lightly fried bok choy soup with cinnamon and salt. Desserts include: boysenberry cake, raspberry danishes, and boysenberry sherbet. The most common alcoholic beverages are: strong gooseberry brandy that's deep red in hue, very strong gooseberry wine made with raspberry that's light red in color, and gooseberry wine that is red

Common Dress code

Rylanian men typically wear a tunic with short sleeves, trews, long coats, and boots. Rylanian women typically wear a long-sleeved dress, a cloak, boots, and a thin belt with gilding. Common colors include dark orange, dark yellow, and dark green. Decoration tends towards plain. Rylanian people wear all sorts of jewelry, from necklaces to bracelets to rings. All classes wear jewelry, but the upper class is able to afford silver while the lower class uses zinc.

Art & Architecture

Buildings have walls made of insulated wood that's meticulously cleaned, and roofs are flat and made of ceramic tiles. Doors are made of thin wood and ornately carved. Windows are large and square. For decoration, wealthier houses and communal buildings often have small gardens in open spaces within the wall of their houses. Common instruments include: adamantine twin flute trimmed with white oak-wood, and complex silver trumpets.
Encompassed species

Cover image: by azgaar
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