BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 1: Introduction Report

General Summary

The party all came upon the Diguardian town of Uinvamor. Through several means, they found themselves directed towards the sewers. Gallagher and Fiora happened upon a town crier who directed them to the entrance to the sewer within the city. Amber, Dex, and Finn met Lumlih, who told them of missing people and asked them to help her find them. This group crept through the tunnels of the sewer, hearing voices arguing about the missing people and expressing concern. Moving closer to the voices, they saw Gallagher and Fiora, as well as Hadrian. They also saw three figures who appeared to be undertaking some illicit activity. The part as a whole waited, trying to scope out the situation, when all of a sudden there came a growl and a stench of death.   A ghoul burst forth from a grate in the floor, killing one of the people moving boxes within seconds of emerging, and another shortly thereafter. The party found themselves thrust into battle. Amber quickly nocked an arrow and scored a critical hit against the monster, bloodying it with a single hit! Fiora materialized a bow of magical essence in her hands and launched three arrows of pure force into the ghoul, which was barely still animate after that. The creature recovered quickly, however, and managed to dodge attacks from Hadrian and Dex. The last surviving member of the group which had originally been in the room attempted to escape from monster, but met with a shield to his face as Hadrian stopped him from fleeing. The ghoul, seeing it was outmatched, attempted to run away. But thanks to the tangling roots of Finn's spell, the monster could not move at its full speed. With Gallagher's song guiding his aim, Hadrian hurried after the ghoul and just barely managed to catch it through the back of its head with his spear.   Having defeated this first enemy, the party gathered to regroup. Interrogating the survivor lent very little useful information, but cracking open the boxes revealed satchels filled with a fine powdered cache of Pesh, an illicit drug which gives feelings of wellbeing but also hallucinations. After discussing several options for what to do with the man, who they were now convinced was a criminal, they elected to bind him and leave him in the room, while they continued onward.   Going down through the grate through which the ghoul had emerged, the group found themselves in a much older system than the sewers above. They found a room in which the ghoul been remaining, with a pile of dragon masks, an evil-looking altar, and a dead body. The group took two of the silver pieces from the altar, two masks from the pile, and a potion, a ring, and a pouch of silver from the dead body.   Moving onward, the group found themselves plagued by a series of unfortunate events. A spear throwing trap seriously wounded Dex, while a chute to the above sewer sickened Hadrian. In the next room, they found a swarm of rats, which Fiora quickly eliminated. Continuing searching, they came to a room in which a dog-sized hunting spider had spun its webs and lay in wait. Hadrian rushed into the room, but found the webs impeding his progress. Throwing his spear and his torch, he did not succeed in damaging the spider, but did begin to set the webs aflame. The spider, in turn, webbed him to the floor, immobilizing him. Soon after, however, Amber sent an arrow launching through the beast's skull, killing it as it let out a bone-chilling squeal. After burning the rest of the webs, the party investigated the chamber, finding a few coins buried under the webs but no other passages through this chamber.   Turning back, they pursued another route, and broke down the door towards it. In the next room they found Draconic writing in blood which read "Beware: Trespassers will be flayed alive" as well as some decrepit bookshelves. Ignoring the shelves and the message, the party marched onward. At the next door, however, Gallagher's sensitive nose picked up two reptilian scents waiting on the other side. Here at last, it seemed, where the targets of the group's quest, and they readied themselves to open the door and confront the kobolds.

Rewards Granted

2 Dragon Masks 1 Potion 1 Ring 1 Pouch of Pesh 30 silver pieces
A Pack of Their Own
Amber Ar-kryn
Dexerstah Eeriok
Kayin Finnya
Fiora Everglade
Tyra Gallagher
Report Date
19 Apr 2020
Primary Location

Cover image: by azgaar


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