Drifting Sight Condition in Chalice | World Anvil
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Drifting Sight

Those who attempt to make use of magic are always at risk of causing serious damage to themselves, and the Cephei Farseers are no exception. Sending their sight out across the world carries with it the possibility that it will refrain from returning, leaving the Farseer unable to see their surroundings, their vision uncontrolledly flying around the world. Though it is an uncommon occurence, there do not seem to be precautions that can be taken against it, and due to repeated use of their techniques, most Farseers are affected by it at some point in their lives.


Since the technique the Farseers make use of is magical in origin, it carries with it a great risk for creatures with no innate magic such as ourselves. The lack of control the Farseers have over the magic they use is the most likely cause of this unfortunate effect. It has been likened to sending out an untrained falcon, having no guarantee that their sight will ever return to them. Farseers of greater mental strength tend to last longer before it affects them, but that is strictly on average, and is not a guarantee of safety.


A Farseer whose sight is set adrift must expect that it will never come back, and that they will have to learn to live not just without sight, but with constant sight of elsewhere. Most require carers to look after them, and in some cases sleeping medicine is required to allow the Farseer to sleep at all. In extremely rare cases, a Farseer's lost sight will return to them, but this is considered a magical coincidence, rather than a repeatable result.

Cultural Reception

A Farseer with drifting sight is not of less use to the people around them, and indeed they are able to see much more than Farseers who only use their ability infrequently. The cost is, of course, that they are unable to fend for themselves and require constant care.
Chronic, Acquired

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