Language of the Rughar Language in Chalice | World Anvil
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Language of the Rughar

Unlike the rest of Osmia, the original language of the Wildmen is still prominent north of the Rughar, affected little by the Mistval language due to the minimal contact between the two. It is known to a few in Seiras, the northernmost city-state, and through there a few words and phrases have begun to find their way into northern Mistval. What is perhaps more interesting about the Rughar language is that it varies very little across the lands where it is spoken, suggesting that the language has hardly changed since Wildmen first settled this land. The sound of the language also bears little resemblance to other native languages, either in Osmia or further afield, and some suspect that the language may have an entirely separate origin to that of other Wildmen, though what that could be is unknown.

Geographical Distribution

The language spoken by the Rughar Wildmen seems to be exclusively spoken in their land, as it has very few similarities with the languages spoken by other Osmian Wildmen, especially so after Mistval rose to power. A few areas just south of the Rughar mountains have individuals who learn the language, but it is always secondary to their own.
Common Phrases
A few of the phrases and idioms of the language have been taken up in Seiras, which is the most likely reason for its spread into the rest of Osmia. Phrases like 'nothing worth weaving', meaning an insignificant victory or meaningless fight, are often used to describe small squabbles. The Rughar themselves often make comparisons with the various animals of the region, such as in the phrase 'a northbear would flee', describing something intimidating. A few of their phrases also relate to their game of huntsman.

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