Yasur Settlement in Chalice | World Anvil
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Droden's greatest success is how much its people have been able to achieve despite the islands' relative isolation and limited amount of land, and nowhere is this more evident than in the City of Forges, Yasur. Said to house as many smiths and metalworkers as the rest of Droden combined, the city is the industrial and innovative centre of the islands, well-situated on the island of the same name between the mines on Takalmau and the farmlands of Muria, which between them provide all the resources Yasur needs. It is very much a city of work, made from fired clay and stone with little of the beauty of cities like those on Arawat, instead designed to optimise movement of resources to and between the various forges and laboratories.

Industry & Trade

Nearly a quarter of the city's population are involved in the metalworking industry in one way or another, be that transporting raw materials, drawing up plans for items to be made, or part of the smithing process itself. Almost anything in Droden which is mass produced is made in Yasur, including steamdragons, which are constructed at waterfront manufactories just outside the city limits. The created metalworks, as well as being sold throughout Droden, are also bought by artists and jewellers within the city, who create finer works. As Yasur is the location of the region's Courthouse, the city holds many people responsible for overseeing the islands under their jurisdiction. Perhaps due to the abundance of large buildings with furnaces, Yasur also has a higher than average number of bakers, though this may instead be because of the large grain farms on Muria.


The City of Forges lives up to its name; twelve large smithing complexes exist within the city, situated along major roads. Two more are found outside the city, at the waterfront. The largest road runs from Takalmau to Muria, crossing two large bridges and passing through the heart of the city, while smaller roads neatly divide the city into distinct sectors. At one end of the city stands the Yasur Courthouse, while at the other is the Rayon Calder Laboratory, Droden's leading alloy-discovering institute.


Yasur was originally designed as a small settlement for the people who worked in the mines on Takalmau, as that island had a notable lack of both flat land and crop-worthy soil. Advancements in mining technology necessitated facilities nearby where equipment could be created and repaired, and within a few years most of the valuable material extracted from the mines was stored in Yasur as well. The bridge between the two was an early addition, and the easy access to resources attracted metalworkers from all across Droden, which grew the town into a thriving smithing city. Seeing the expected expansion of the city, the judge at the time decided that a complete rework of the city was in order, and over the course of twelve years Yasur was renovated into the structure it has to this day. The growth of this city also greatly increased the burden on the farms on the island, so a second bridge, to Muria, was constructed. It is now written into law that Yasur will not be expanded any more, and instead new growth occurs in satellite towns nearby.
Alternative Name(s)
City of Forges
Owning Organization

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