Briona Oakshield

Briona Oakshield

Profession & Role: Lumberjack
Age: 32 years
Race: Halfling
Gender Expression: She/Her
  Physical Description: Briona stands slightly taller than most halflings, with a sturdy build reflecting her physical labor. Her muscles are well-defined, a testament to her work as a lumberjack. Her hair is long and usually tied back to keep it out of the way, and her hands are calloused. Briona's attire is practical, favoring durability over style, with leather boots and gloves being staples of her wardrobe.
  Personality Traits: Briona is bold, hearty, and has an indomitable spirit. She possesses a deep connection with nature and a practical mindset, making her an invaluable member of her community and family.
  Ability Scores:
  • Strength: 14
  • Dexterity: 12
  • Constitution: 13
  • Intelligence: 11
  • Wisdom: 12
  • Charisma: 8
  • Background and Relationship

    Briona grew up in the outskirts of Prideholme, where the vast forests became her second home. She learned the trade of lumberjacking from her family, quickly showing a natural aptitude for the physical demands and the intricate knowledge of woodland management. Briona's dream of adventure stems from her exploration of the forests and her desire to protect them.
      Her journey into the polyamorous family began when she met Rilen and the others through their shared aspirations of becoming adventurers. The group's collective dream of acquiring orbs of class and embarking on adventures together resonated with her deeply. Briona's strength, both physical and of character, and her profound connection to nature made her an essential part of the family.
      The bond among them was strengthened by their mutual respect, shared dreams, and the understanding that their aspirations were interlinked. Briona, with her robust demeanor and commitment to their shared goals, brought resilience and a sense of protection to the family.

    Detailed Physical Description

      Skin Color/Tone: Briona's skin is a robust tan, testament to her years of labor outdoors, with a rugged quality that speaks to her resilience and strength.
    Hair Color and Style: Her hair is a deep, earthy brown, typically pulled back in a no-nonsense ponytail that keeps it out of her way while working. It's thick and straight, occasionally loosened to fall around her shoulders when she's off duty.
    Facial Hair: No facial hair.
    Eye Color: Briona's eyes are a clear, striking blue, reminiscent of the sky on a cloudless day, offering a glimpse into her straightforward and earnest nature.
    Nose and Mouth: She has a strong, straight nose and a broad mouth, often set in a determined line but quick to smile or laugh in good company.
    Head Shape: Her face is square, with a strong jawline that underscores her fortitude and determination, softened by the warmth in her eyes and smile.
    Body Shape and Type: Briona is muscular and sturdy, with broad shoulders and a solid build that showcases her physical power. Her body is the result of years spent swinging axes and hauling timber, giving her an imposing presence.
    Clothes Worn: Briona dresses for practicality and protection, favoring durable leathers and fabrics that can withstand the rigors of her work. Her clothing is simple but well-fitted, allowing ease of movement without sacrificing safety. She often wears boots designed for stability in rough terrain and protective gloves that still allow for dexterity.
    Special Details: Briona wears a leather band around her wrist, etched with symbols representing her family and heritage. She also carries a small, carved wooden talisman, a token of luck and protection, attached to her belt.

    Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3
    Character Portrait image: Briona Oakshield by


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