
Founded by a retired adventuring company who wanted to make a home for themselves unencumbered with what one of their members called primitive Feudalistic Societies. That member claimed to have come from a planet called earth, and was very adamant what the best way to run the government was. He created a system of government he called a Free-market Republican Democracy. Most of the people that moved here did not do so because they understood what he was talking about when he did so about this topic, which he did often and at length. They moved here because they liked the guy that told the crown to go F* itself. They stayed for the wealth and freedom, despite the dangers of being on their own, so to speak at least. They thrived in this place, despite the tough living, and now over three centuries later most of the founders are dead and gone but the town continues to grow slowly and surely. There are a few dungeons in the area as well as rare herbs and ores.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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