Divine Bolt

Divine Bolt
0-level Cantrip evocation
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S (a gesture of outstretching one's hand and a softly uttered incantation)
Duration: Instantaneous
  Divine Bolt is a manifestation of the enigmatic and dual nature of the cosmos, embodying the delicate balance between destruction and restoration. This cantrip allows the caster to channel divine energy in the form of a radiant bolt, which either heals or harms based on the innate nature of the target's soul. The caster, acting merely as a conduit for this celestial force, need not know the target's alignment or intentions, as the spell itself discerns the essence of the target upon contact.
  Upon invocation, a luminous bolt of radiant energy bursts forth, streaking towards the chosen target. If the target is an ally or an innocent, the Divine Bolt envelopes them in a soothing aura, mending wounds and bolstering their spirit. However, if the target is an enemy or harbors malevolent intent, the bolt unleashes its wrath, searing their flesh with purifying light. This dichotomy is not determined by the caster's perception but by the profound understanding of the divine energy itself, which peers into the very soul of the recipient.
  As the wielder of this spell grows in power and understanding, the Divine Bolt evolves in tandem. Its range extends, its light piercing further into the darkness, and its radiant energy intensifies, becoming a more potent force of both healing and destruction.
  Mechanics: The caster makes a spell attack against the target, and if they hit they deal 1d6 radiant damage or heal 1d4 HP of damage. If the target is an ally and unharmed they gain the healing as temporary HP instead that fades away at a rate of 1 HP at the end of each minute.
  At Higher Levels: The spell's damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6). The spell's range increases by 30 feet when you reach 5th level (60), 11th level (90), and 17th level (120).
  Soul Siphon: Spells with Soul Siphon draw life force from the target to heal the caster. Half (rounded up) of the damage dealt by the spell is converted into healing for the caster or an ally within a 30 foot range of the target or caster. To activate this ability of the spell, you must increase the casting time to an action, and use a pearl worth at least 1 gp as a material component that is consumed with the casting.
  Classes: Cleric, Paladin, Bard
Source: Custom Creation

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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