Draconic Ascension

Draconic Ascension
Level 6 Transmutation
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Self
Components: V, S, M (a draconic gemstone infused with ancient magic and a handful of your own hair)
Duration: Up to 24 hours (concentration)
  Description: With a whispered prayer to the storm-wracked skies and a burning determination in your eyes, you channel the essence of ancient wyrms. Your body shimmers with arcane light, morphing and reshaping as the power of dragons courses through your veins. With a final roar that echoes through the land, you ascend, transformed into a majestic draconic entity.
  Draconic Aspect: While under the effects of this spell, you assume the form of a magnificent dragon, choosing one of the following types: red, white, blue, green, black, or bronze. In this form, you gain the following benefits:
  Draconic Form Statistics: Your Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom scores each increase by 4. Your Dexterity saving throw proficiency changes to Wisdom, and you gain proficiency in Athletics and Perception. You also gain flight speed equal to double your walking speed.
  Draconic Might: Your unarmed strikes and weapon attacks deal 2d8 damage of your chosen dragon type + your Strength modifier. Additionally, you gain the following abilities based on your chosen dragon type:
  Red: Fiery Breath. As an action, you unleash a scorching breath weapon that deals 10d6 fire damage in a 60-foot cone.
  White: Glacial Blast. As an action, you unleash a chilling breath weapon that deals 10d6 cold damage in a 60-foot cone.
  Blue: Lightning Storm. As an action, you unleash a crackling breath weapon that deals 10d6 lightning damage in a 60-foot cone.
  Green: Poisonous Cloud. As an action, you exhale a noxious cloud of acidic vapor that fills a 30-foot sphere. Each creature inside the cloud at the start of your turn must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 10d6 poison damage and is pushed 10 feet away from you. On a successful save, the creature takes half damage and is not pushed.
  Black: Acidmaw. As an action, you make a bite attack that deals 2d8 slashing damage + your Strength modifier and an additional 4d6 acid damage if it hits.
  Bronze: Metallic Resilience. You have resistance to acid, fire, lightning, and cold damage.
  Draconic Senses: You have tremorsense with a range of 60 feet and darkvision with a range of 120 feet.
  Legendary Presence: Each hostile creature within 120 feet of you that is aware of you must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, a creature is frightened of you for 1 minute. On a successful save, the creature is immune to this effect for the duration of the spell.
  At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 7th level or higher, the damage dice for your chosen breath weapon increase by one die size for each slot level above 6th.
  Classes: Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer, Dragon Knight, School of Transformation Wizard
  Lore: Draconic Ascension represents the pinnacle of draconic magic, a spell whispered of only in the hushed tones of ancient sagas and whispered around crackling campfires of dragon slayers. It allows mortals to transcend their flesh and bone, ascending to the power and majesty of dragons. While exhilarating and potent, this transformation is not without its perils. The sheer draconic power coursing through your veins can be intoxicating, blurring the line between hero and monster and leaving you teetering on the edge of losing yourself to the primal rage of the wyrm. Only the most worthy and iron-willed dare to take on this mantle, wielding the power of dragons not just to command respect, but to reshape the very fate of the world around them.
  Notes:   This spell offers a dramatic and iconic transformation, granting immense stat boosts, powerful attacks, versatile breath weapons, and draconic senses.
The choice of dragon type provides tactical flexibility and customization.
The Legendary Presence ability adds to the fearsome aura and potential roleplaying opportunities.
The high level and potentially transformative nature of the spell encourage epic storytelling moments and difficult choices.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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