Eberk Deepforge

Eberk Deepforge

Profession & Role: Blacksmith Artisan
Age: 35 years
Race: Gnome
Gender Expression: He/Him
  Physical Description: Eberk's gnome heritage is clear in his compact stature, standing at just under 3 feet tall. His hands are those of a craftsman—strong and sure, with evidence of his work in every callus and scar. His hair is a wild tangle of curls that seem to have a life of their own, and his eyes gleam with the spark of creativity and determination. Eberk dresses in sturdy fabrics that can withstand the heat and demands of the forge, often adorned with a leather apron bearing the marks of his trade.   Personality Traits: Eberk is inventive, passionate about his craft, and has an unwavering work ethic. He's known for his cheerful demeanor, a keen sense of humor, and an ability to see solutions where others might see obstacles.   Ability Scores:
  • Strength: 11
  • Dexterity: 9
  • Constitution: 11
  • Intelligence: 9
  • Wisdom: 9
  • Charisma: 11
  • Background and Relationship

    Born into a family of inventors and craftspeople, Eberk Deepforge was fascinated by the art of blacksmithing from a young age. His innate gnome curiosity combined with a natural aptitude for the craft led him to become one of the most respected blacksmiths in Prideholme. Eberk's creations are not only functional but also works of art, reflecting his belief that beauty and utility can coexist harmoniously.   Eberk's dream of adventure was kindled by the stories he heard from travelers passing through the town, longing for the day he could forge his own path and stories. His encounter with Rilen and the rest of the polyamorous family was a pivotal moment, drawn together by their shared aspirations of adventure and the collective dream of one day being able to afford orbs of class to embark on their journeys together.   In the relationship, Eberk brings not only his skills as a blacksmith but also his optimistic outlook and inventive spirit. His ability to create and repair whatever the family might need on their adventures, coupled with his genuine enthusiasm for their shared dream, cements his place within the group. Eberk's contributions go beyond the forge; his warmth and humor provide a light that binds the family together even in the toughest times.  

    Detailed Physical Description

      Skin Color/Tone: Eberk's skin is a light tan, marked by the soot and occasional spark from his forge, telling the tale of his dedication to blacksmithing.
    Hair Color and Style: His hair is fiery red, kept short on the sides but slightly longer on top, often tousled from the heat of the forge or when he runs his fingers through it in deep concentration.
    Facial Hair: Yes, Eberk sports a neatly trimmed beard that complements his fiery hair, adding to his distinctive look as a gnome artisan.
    Eye Color: His eyes are a sharp, piercing gray, reflecting the focused and meticulous nature of his craft.
    Nose and Mouth: Eberk has a strong, pronounced nose, giving him a distinguished appearance, and a wide mouth that's usually set in a determined line when working but easily breaks into a grin.
    Head Shape: His head is slightly elongated, typical of gnome physiology, with a broad forehead that bespeaks intelligence and creativity.
    Body Shape and Type: Compact and muscular, Eberk's body is built for the physical demands of blacksmithing. His arms show the strength of his profession, and he moves with purpose and precision.
    Clothes Worn: Eberk wears durable, heat-resistant clothing, often seen in a leather apron over his attire, equipped with pockets and loops for his tools. His clothes are functional but show a sense of pride in his work, with the emblem of his forge embroidered on his shirt.
    Special Details: Notable are the gloves he carries or wears, specially designed to protect his hands from the heat and hazards of metalworking. Around his neck, he wears a pendant of his own making, a small hammer and anvil, symbolizing his love for and dedication to blacksmithing.

    Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3
    Character Portrait image: Eberk Deepforge by magejosh


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