Eldeth Stoutale

Eldeth Stoutale, Female Dwarf
Description: This woman prefers to wear flannel. She has a penchant for wearing a ring with an oversized aquamarine on her left hand. She has done her best to style her golden hair to look like a famous performer. Her skin is flawless and her brown eyes scan people very quickly.
  Personality: She fancies herself a trickster and likes to rely on her wits to carry the day. She cares for her older siblings and likes to be recognized by them. She enjoys reading and quiet.
  History: Gifted from a young age, Eldeth studied abroad. Eldeth liked to wander the woods near her home when she was young, something she still likes to do at least once a week. She never liked modest clothing or shoes, so she would wander the woods barefoot and lightly dressed, and she developed a good sense of balance and learned how to climb and swim well. She leaves a trail of broken hearts and full pockets wherever she goes.
  Motivation: She is greedy.
  Ideals: Logical, Gifted. Bonds: Rich, Attractive, Family, Nature. Occupation: Blacksmith
  Voice: Soft and melodious
Eldeth Stoutale, Female Dwarf Paladin 17 Medium (3'11") Dwarf, Lawful Neutral (CR 17) Armor Class 14 Hit Points 108 (17d10) Speed 20 ft. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) Skills Insight +5, Medicine +5 Senses Passive Perception 9 Languages Common, Dwarven Attacks Melee +9 / 5d4+3, Ranged +10 / 5d4+4, Grapple +4 DC 0 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Spell /Day 13 Possessions: 2000 pp. Rose (30 gp). Tourmaline (90 gp). Freshwater pearl (12 gp). Amber (90 gp). Alexandrite (500 gp). Freshwater pearl (12 gp). Blue star sapphire (400 gp). Tiger eye turquoise (12 gp). Jet (90 gp). Red spinel (90 gp). 1 Medium magic item. 1 Medium magic item. 1 Medium magic item.

Cover image: A strange planet this way floats. by magejosh with DALLE3


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